mukul-rathi / bolt

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Establish naming convention for compiler modules/functions #132

Closed mukul-rathi closed 4 years ago

mukul-rathi commented 4 years ago

There is an unclear convention for method names - perhaps generate a document for me to understand and also to ensure the codebase doesn't sprawl out of control

as I've been bolting on new features, functions have had different naming conventions.

e.g. ir_gen_field_index takes fieldname then classname then class_defns, whereas other functions take class_defns as first argument and then class name and then field name. (Admittedly the functions do very different things and perhaps the ordering makes sense on a micro level)

mukul-rathi commented 4 years ago

Again this is technical debt -> for the most part this has been fine, but deadline coming up!

mukul-rathi commented 4 years ago

Again this is technical debt -> for the most part this has been fine, but deadline coming up!

mukul-rathi commented 4 years ago

being dealt with as i cover each stage in the tutorial