mukulhase / WebWhatsapp-Wrapper

An API for sending and receiving messages over web.whatsapp [Working as of 18th May 2018]
MIT License
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Now there is official Whatsapp API #354

Open nicobytes opened 5 years ago

nicobytes commented 5 years ago

Now with official api this wrapper is unnecessary, what think about that?

marcelocecin commented 5 years ago

mdedirudianto commented 5 years ago

yes, I think so.. just need to move there I think. or maybe we can use it just for development purpose?

GilbertoBitt commented 5 years ago

For what i see it the docker image form whatsapp run a web app( i think is a different kind of whatsapp web) and then we connect to this local API and this "whatsapp business client" inside docker run the commands! i think is possible because web whatsapp contains now more functions inside it but is "hidden" that why store keep changing but i inspect today and i see now more functions like forwardMessageToChats and others commands inside the web whatsapp code local api if u use a business account it appear. so is possible to create a javascript injection or modifies this project to only use javascript wrapper and use this connection to make a better whatsapp bussiness "api" but will be outside facebook space and have limitations like request per seconds and others things that using a configured number by facebook u will not get.

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chriso0710 commented 5 years ago

This is the next step from Whatsapp that we all have been waiting for (I have been for 2+ years). Although WebWhatsappWrapper is a great and very active project, I will move to the official API now.

See the FAQ for the reason of needing an API client hosted in Docker:

kevinkit commented 5 years ago

I think this Wrapper here is not "really" obsolete, but maybe another project could be started.

I think the official Whatsapp API is not easy to use. It lacks some kind of Python API wrapper, where I can simply say stuff like send_message(...,..) and it will send the message etc.

chriso0710 commented 5 years ago

IMHO using the new Whatsapp Business API can be as simple and easy as:

But this comes with a small fee per message...

kevinkit commented 5 years ago

The Twilio way looks promising however, as you said it comes with a fee. I wonder if the usage of the "pure" Whatsapp Business API could be made as easy as that

lfdelphino commented 5 years ago

Twilio and Facebook are with a long waiting line to be able to use, unfortunately it's not as easy as downloading this wrapper and start using for free. Also they are only accepting business accounts, you wouldn't be able to use with a regular account.

kevinkit commented 5 years ago

@lfdelphino what do you mean with a long waiting line? Can't I just start the REST API if I have Whatsapp-Business?

leonanluppi commented 5 years ago

@kevinkit no. I need to register an business account then waiting confirmation to start to use.

lfdelphino commented 5 years ago

It looks like open but actually they are just accepting a small amount of business as a "pilot program" still.

They don't even have a public plan to verify new businesses as you can see here: My request to verify a big company (+10 million messages/month) wasn't even answered and I've applied a long time ago.

mhndm commented 5 years ago

WhatsApp Business API say: Make sure you have gotten approval for your business's phone number and have a Verified Name certificate before attempting installation.

eduardomazolini commented 5 years ago

Oficial is in trial and have many rules. That project is very important.Oficila is beta, needs approvals, and has many rules and rates. This project is still very important. Please do not abandon this.

chriso0710 commented 5 years ago

I like this project and the active community around it.

But I guess the importance of it depends on your use case. Like always you have to make a tradeoff and choose between stability, ease of implementation, sustainability, legal stuff and costs. Do you plan to earn money with some kind of professional Whatsapp service or do you just play around in a personal project? Make your own choice.

farukhkhan07 commented 5 years ago

does anybody work on business api with .net core.. I need some help. Your messages will be highly appreciated. Also I have some questions about the configuration. I have successfully ran docker the only problem I'm facing is about VName certificate and whatsapp account option on page. My whatsapp account option is not visible, How can I do it.. ??

gamalkamal commented 4 years ago

@farukhkhan07 there is a container image in docker hub for wa. api with .net core

Arlington1985 commented 4 years ago

Anybody using wrapper? It seems it's easier to use and has more functionalities. I just need someone to confirm which has real experience with both projects.

daniel-scatigno commented 4 years ago

I'have applied to Business verification on facebook, but they never responded! Honestly facebook sucks, they are huge company and they pay the price for that, they are slow, since they bought Whatsapp, the software it self changed just a few things and slowly as a turtle!

Arlington1985 commented 4 years ago

Indeed, I think they deliberately doing it, in order to push people using verified providers like twilio