mukyasa / MMCamScanner

Simulation of CamScanner app With Custom Camera and Crop Rect Validation
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Memory issue #7

Open buildwithgagan opened 8 years ago

buildwithgagan commented 8 years ago

The memory does not get deallocated and keeps on increasing until the app crashes.

CGFloat scaleFactor = [_sourceImageView contentScale]; CGPoint ptBottomLeft = [_cropRect coordinatesForPoint:1 withScaleFactor:scaleFactor]; CGPoint ptBottomRight = [_cropRect coordinatesForPoint:2 withScaleFactor:scaleFactor]; CGPoint ptTopRight = [_cropRect coordinatesForPoint:3 withScaleFactor:scaleFactor]; CGPoint ptTopLeft = [_cropRect coordinatesForPoint:4 withScaleFactor:scaleFactor];

        CGFloat w1 = sqrt( pow(ptBottomRight.x - ptBottomLeft.x , 2) + pow(ptBottomRight.x - ptBottomLeft.x, 2));
        CGFloat w2 = sqrt( pow(ptTopRight.x - ptTopLeft.x , 2) + pow(ptTopRight.x - ptTopLeft.x, 2));

        CGFloat h1 = sqrt( pow(ptTopRight.y - ptBottomRight.y , 2) + pow(ptTopRight.y - ptBottomRight.y, 2));
        CGFloat h2 = sqrt( pow(ptTopLeft.y - ptBottomLeft.y , 2) + pow(ptTopLeft.y - ptBottomLeft.y, 2));

        CGFloat maxWidth = (w1 < w2) ? w1 : w2;
        CGFloat maxHeight = (h1 < h2) ? h1 : h2;

        cv::Point2f src[4], dst[4];
        src[0].x = ptTopLeft.x;
        src[0].y = ptTopLeft.y;
        src[1].x = ptTopRight.x;
        src[1].y = ptTopRight.y;
        src[2].x = ptBottomRight.x;
        src[2].y = ptBottomRight.y;
        src[3].x = ptBottomLeft.x;
        src[3].y = ptBottomLeft.y;

        dst[0].x = 0;
        dst[0].y = 0;
        dst[1].x = maxWidth - 1;
        dst[1].y = 0;
        dst[2].x = maxWidth - 1;
        dst[2].y = maxHeight - 1;
        dst[3].x = 0;
        dst[3].y = maxHeight - 1;

        cv::Mat undistorted = cv::Mat( cvSize(maxWidth,maxHeight), CV_8UC4);
        cv::Mat original = [MMOpenCVHelper cvMatFromUIImage:_adjustedImage];

        cv::warpPerspective(original, undistorted, cv::getPerspectiveTransform(src, dst), cvSize(maxWidth, maxHeight));

        _sourceImageView.image=[MMOpenCVHelper UIImageFromCVMat:undistorted];
chetan-yg commented 7 years ago

@neoD1 Did you got any fix for the memory issue?

buildwithgagan commented 7 years ago

Use this library instead