mulesoft-labs / api-console-cli

A CLI tools for the API console.
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generate-model vs. generate-json in help page #34

Closed hubandr closed 4 years ago

hubandr commented 5 years ago

Example section of help page still shows "generate-json" instead of "generate-model".

Usage: api-console-generate-model 

  $ api-console generate-json [options] -t "RAML 1.0" <api-file>

Use this command to create a data model from the API file. 

  -t, --api-type [value]  API type, can be on of "RAML 0.8", "RAML 1.0", "OAS 1.0", "OAS 2.0", "OAS 3.0"
  -o, --output [value]    Output file. Default to "./api-model.json"
  -p, --pretty-print      Generated JSON will be formatted
  --verbose               Print verbose messages
  --no-ga                 Disable Google Analytics when running this command
  -h, --help              output usage information


    $ api-console generate-json -t "RAML 1.0" ./api.raml
    $ api-console generate-json -t "OAS 2.0"
    $ api-console generate-json -t "RAML 1.0" ./api.raml -o "../api-data.json"
jarrodek commented 4 years ago

This is now fixed in version 2.0.0