mulesoft-labs / data-weave-cli

DataWeave CLI and Native Library
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
92 stars 30 forks source link

Using readUrl with classpath #94

Open MickeMagnus opened 6 months ago

MickeMagnus commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug So im trying to write a Dataweave CLI script that loades the files from filesystem during runtime. The only command as i am aware of can read files from the filesystem i readUrl via classpath. (Maybe there's another one?) Now since this is not a Java-projekt i don't realy know where dataweave is tring to open the files from. Tried to read files from root-folder, from my current running folder, relative from the binary location and tried setting DW_HOME but nothing works. Is this a bug or do we only need some extra documenation on this?

Dataweave CLI rocks, thanks!

To Reproduce Trying to run this command

Example raml file

    "myResourseType": "folder1/folder2/file1.raml"
dw run -i api=api.raml 'input api application/yaml --- api.resourceTypes mapObject ((value, key) -> (key): readUrl(("classpath://" ++ value),"text/plain"))'

Expected behavior That i would have loaded a few files from my filesystem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

machaval commented 5 months ago

Hi Mike, Thanks for using our CLI. The cli contains a special dw module to access the file system. You can do

import * from dw::io::file::FileSystem
var absolutePath = path(wd(), api.resourceTypes) // wd() return the working directory
contentOf(path(wd(), api.resourceTypes)) //this returns a binary of the content

The module looks like this

* Simple File module to do basic operations
%dw 2.0

import dataFormatsDescriptor from dw::Runtime

* Represent a file path with the corresponding file separator.
type Path = String

* Mapping between file extension and MimeType
var FILE_EXTENSIONS: {_: String} = {
    ".txt": "text/plain",
    ".css": "text/css",
    ".html": "text/html",
    ".htm": "text/html",
    ".gif": "image/gif",
    ".jpg": "image/jpeg",
    ".jpe": "image/jpeg",
    ".jpeg": "image/jpeg",
    ".bmp": "image/bmp",
    ".js": "application/javascript",
    ".png": "image/png",
    ".java": "text/plain",
    ".body": "text/html",
    ".rtx": "text/richtext",
    ".tsv": "text/tab-separated-values",
    ".etx": "text/x-setext",
    ".json": "application/json",
    ".class": "application/java",
    ".csh": "application/x-csh",
    ".sh": "application/x-sh",
    ".tcl": "application/x-tcl",
    ".tex": "application/x-tex",
    ".texinfo": "application/x-texinfo",
    ".texi": "application/x-texinfo",
    ".t": "application/x-troff",
    ".tr": "application/x-troff",
    ".roff": "application/x-troff",
    ".man": "application/x-troff-man",
    ".me": "application/x-troff-me",
    ".ms": "application/x-wais-source",
    ".src": "application/x-wais-source",
    ".zip": "application/zip",
    ".bcpio": "application/x-bcpio",
    ".cpio" : "application/x-cpio",
    ".gtar" : "application/x-gtar",
    ".shar" : "application/x-shar",
    ".sv4cpio" : "application/x-sv4cpio",
    ".sv4crc" : "application/x-sv4crc",
    ".tar" : "application/x-tar",
    ".ustar" : "application/x-ustar",
    ".dvi" : "application/x-dvi",
    ".hdf" : "application/x-hdf",
    ".latex" : "application/x-latex",
    ".bin" : "application/octet-stream",
    ".oda" : "application/oda",
    ".pdf" : "application/pdf",
    ".ps" : "application/postscript",
    ".eps" : "application/postscript",
    ".ai" : "application/postscript",
    ".rtf" : "application/rtf",
    ".nc" : "application/x-netcdf",
    ".cdf" : "application/x-netcdf",
    ".cer" : "application/x-x509-ca-cert",
    ".exe" : "application/octet-stream",
    ".gz" : "application/x-gzip",
    ".Z" : "application/x-compress",
    ".z" : "application/x-compress",
    ".hqx" : "application/mac-binhex40",
    ".mif" : "application/x-mif",
    ".ico" : "image/x-icon",
    ".ief" : "image/ief",
    ".tiff" : "image/tiff",
    ".tif" : "image/tiff",
    ".ras" : "image/x-cmu-raster",
    ".pnm" : "image/x-portable-anymap",
    ".pbm" : "image/x-portable-bitmap",
    ".pgm" : "image/x-portable-graymap",
    ".ppm" : "image/x-portable-pixmap",
    ".rgb" : "image/x-rgb",
    ".xbm" : "image/x-xbitmap",
    ".xpm" : "image/x-xpixmap",
    ".xwd" : "image/x-xwindowdump",
    ".au" : "audio/basic",
    ".snd" : "audio/basic",
    ".aif" : "audio/x-aiff",
    ".aiff" : "audio/x-aiff",
    ".aifc" : "audio/x-aiff",
    ".wav" : "audio/x-wav",
    ".mp3" : "audio/mpeg",
    ".mpeg" : "video/mpeg",
    ".mpg" : "video/mpeg",
    ".mpe" : "video/mpeg",
    ".qt" : "video/quicktime",
    ".mov" : "video/quicktime",
    ".avi" : "video/x-msvideo",
    ".movie" : "video/x-sgi-movie",
    ".avx" : "video/x-rad-screenplay",
    ".wrl" : "x-world/x-vrml",
    ".mpv2" : "video/mpeg2",
    ".jnlp" : "application/x-java-jnlp-file",

    ".eot" : "application/",
    ".woff" : "application/font-woff",
    ".woff2" : "application/font-woff2",
    ".ttf" : "application/x-font-ttf",
    ".otf" : "application/x-font-opentype",
    ".sfnt" : "application/font-sfnt",

    /* Add XML related MIMEs */

    ".xml" : "application/xml",
    ".xhtml" : "application/xhtml+xml",
    ".xsl" : "application/xml",
    ".svg" : "image/svg+xml",
    ".svgz" : "image/svg+xml",
    ".wbmp" : "image/vnd.wap.wbmp",
    ".wml" : "text/vnd.wap.wml",
    ".wmlc" : "application/vnd.wap.wmlc",
    ".wmls" : "text/vnd.wap.wmlscript",
    ".wmlscriptc" : "application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc"

* The two kind of file
type FileKind = "File" | "Folder"

* Returns the list child file path
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | folder | The of the contained file
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `ls` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
*   ls("/tmp")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* ["/tmp/foo.txt","/tmp/dw-input-buffer-0.tmp","/tmp/dw-output-buffer-0.tmp"]
* ----
@RuntimePrivilege(requires = "fs::Read")
fun ls(folder: Path): Array<Path> = do {
  @RuntimePrivilege(requires = "fs::Read")
  fun internalLs(folder: Path) = native("file::LSFunction")

* Removes the file at the given location. Returns true if the file or folder was removed.
* If the path is a file it will delete everything recursively.
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | path | The path to delete
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `rm` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* import rm from dw::io::file::FileSystem
* output application/json
* ---
* rm("/home/dw/toRemove")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* true
* ----
@RuntimePrivilege(requires = "fs::Write")
fun rm(path: Path):Boolean = native("file::RemoveFunction")

* Return the list of child elements of the specified path. That matches the specified regex pattern
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | folder | The of the contained file
* | filterExpr | The file expression regex to be used on each name
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how to filter tmp file to all the one that contains the text 'dw'
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
*   ls("/tmp", /dw/)
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* ["/tmp/dw-input-buffer-0.tmp","/tmp/dw-output-buffer-0.tmp"]
* ----
@RuntimePrivilege(requires = "fs::Read")
fun ls(folder: Path, filterExpr: Regex): Array<Path> = do {
    ls(folder) filter ((dir) -> nameOf(dir) matches (filterExpr))

* Returns the file type. "File" or "Folder" or null if it doesn't exits
@RuntimePrivilege(requires = "fs::Read")
fun kindOf(path: Path): FileKind | Null = native("file::FileTypeOfFunction")

* Returns the name of this file
fun nameOf(path: Path): String = native("file::NameOfFunction")

* Returns true if the file exits
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | path | The path to be checked
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `exists` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
* dw::io::file::FileSystem::exists("/tmp")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* true
* ----
fun exists(path: Path):Boolean = kindOf(path) != null

* Returns the content of the given path
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | path | The path of the file
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `contentOf` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
* contentOf("/tmp/foo/bar.txt") as String {encoding: "UTF-8"}
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* "Hello"
* ----
@RuntimePrivilege(requires = "fs::Read")
@Labels(labels = ["cat"])
fun contentOf(path: Path): Binary = do {
    readUrl(toUrl(path), "binary") as Binary

* Returns the path to the parent folder of a given file.
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,1,3"]
* |===
* | Name | Type | Description
* | path | Path | The path to the file of interest.
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `parentOf` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* import parentOf from dw::io::file::FileSystem
* ---
* parentOf("tmp/someDir/someFile.txt")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* "tmp/someDir"
* ----
fun parentOf(path: Path): String | Null = native("file::ParentOfFunction")

* Returns the system-dependent default name-separator character, represented as a string for convenience.
* === Example
* This example shows how the `separator` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* import separator from dw::io::file::FileSystem
* ---
* // Will return "/" for Unix-based systems, and "\" for Windows-based systems.
* separator()
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* "/"
* ----
fun separator(): String = native("file::SeparatorFunction")

* Transform the specified file path into a valid Url
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | `path` | The path to be converted
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `toUrl` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
* toUrl( "/tmp/Application Test")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* "file:/tmp/Application%20Test"
* ----
fun toUrl(path: Path): String = native("file::ToUrlFunction")

* Copies the specified binary into the given path.
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | binary | The content to be written
* | path | The path were is going to be written
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `writeTo` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
* copyTo( "Hello" as Binary {encoding: "UTF-8"}, "/tmp/foo/bar.txt")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* 5
* ----
@Labels(labels = ["write", "copy", "cp"])
@RuntimePrivilege(requires = "fs::Write")
fun copyTo(binary: Binary, path: Path): Number = native("file::CopyToFunction")

//Will be removed soon
@Deprecated(since = "1.0.0", replacement = "copyTo")
fun writeTo(path: Path, binary:Binary): Number= binary copyTo  path

* Creates the a folder in the given path. And returns the path.
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | path | The path to be created
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `mkdir` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
* mkdir("/tmp/a")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* "/tmp/a"
* ----
@RuntimePrivilege(requires = "fs::Write")
fun mkdir(path: Path): Path | Null = native("file::MakeDirFunction")

fun tree(path:Path): Array<Path> =
  ls(path) flatMap ((child, index) -> child >> tree(child) )

* Zips the specified collection of files into the given zip path.
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | paths | The array of paths to be zipped
* | zipPath | The zip file path to be created
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `zipInto` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* import * from dw::io::file::FileSystem
* output application/json
* ---
* [path(tmp(),"dw_io_test")] zipInto path(tmp(),"")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* "/tmp/"
* ----
@RuntimePrivilege(requires = "fs::Write")
fun zipInto(paths: Array<Path>, zipPath: Path): Path = native("file::ZipFunction")

* Unzips the specified file into the given directory
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | zipPath |
* | targetDirectory |
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `unzipTo` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* import * from dw::io::file::FileSystem
* output application/json
* ---
* fileToUnzip unzipTo path(tmp(), "dw_io_test" ,"outputZip")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* "/tmp/dw_io_test/outputZip"
* ----
@RuntimePrivilege(requires = "fs::Write")
fun unzipTo(zipPath: Path, targetDirectory: Path): Path = native("file::UnzipFunction")

* Tries to guess the mimeType of the given Path
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | path | The path
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `mimeTypeOf` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
* dw::io::file::FileSystem::mimeTypeOf("/tmp/test.json")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* "application/json"
* ----
fun mimeTypeOf(path: Path): String | Null = do {
    var maybeExtension = extensionOf(path)
    var matchingByExtension = (dataFormatsDescriptor() filter ((item, index) -> item.extensions contains maybeExtension))
    maybeExtension match {
        case extension is String -> do {
            matchingByExtension[0].defaultMimeType default FILE_EXTENSIONS[extension]
        case is Null -> null

* Returns the base name of this file
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,1,3"]
* |===
* | Name | Type | Description
* | path | Path | The path
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `baseNameOf` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
* dw::io::file::FileSystem::baseNameOf("/tmp/a/test.json")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* "test"
* ----
fun baseNameOf(path: Path): String = do {
    var name = nameOf(path)
    var lastDotIndex =  (name find ".")[-1] default -1
    if(lastDotIndex == -1)
        name[0 to (lastDotIndex - 1)]

* Returns the extension of the file with the dot.
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | path | The path
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `extensionOf` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
* %dw 2.0
*  import * from dw::io::file::FileSystem
*  output application/json
*  ---
*  {
*    a: extensionOf(path("/tmp","foo.txt")),
*    b: extensionOf(path("/tmp","foo.html")),
*    c: extensionOf(path("/tmp","foo.json")),
*    d: extensionOf(tmp()) //Directory should return null
*  }
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* {
*    "a": ".txt",
*    "b": ".html",
*    "c": ".json",
*    "d": null
*  }
* ----
fun extensionOf(path: Path): String | Null = do {
    var lastDotIndex =  (path find ".")[-1] default -1
    if(lastDotIndex == -1)
        path[lastDotIndex to -1]

 * Returns the Path value of the tmp directory.
@RuntimePrivilege(requires = "fs::Read")
fun tmp(): Path = native("file::TmpPathFunction")

 * Returns the Path value of the home directory.
@RuntimePrivilege(requires = "fs::Read")
fun home(): Path = native("file::HomePathFunction")

 * Returns the Path value of the working directory.
@RuntimePrivilege(requires = "fs::Read")
fun wd(): Path = native("file::WorkingDirectoryPathFunction")

* Creates a valid path with the specified parts
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | basePath | The base path
* | part | The child path to append
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `path` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
* path("/tmp/a","b")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* "/tmp/a/b"
* ----
fun path(basePath: Path, part: String): Path = native("file::PathFunction")

* Creates a valid Path with the specified parts
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | basePath | The base path
* | part | Child Part 1
* | part2 | Child Part 2
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `path` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
* path("/tmp", "a","b")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* "/tmp/a/b"
* ----
fun path(basePath: Path, part: String, part2: String): Path =
    path(path(basePath, part), part2)

* Creates a valid Path with the specified parts
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | basePath | The base path
* | part | Child Part 1
* | part2 | Child Part 2
* | part3 | Child Part 3
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `path` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
* path("/tmp", "a","b","c")
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* "/tmp/a/b/c"
* ----
fun path(basePath: Path, part: String, part2: String, part3: String): Path =
    path(path(basePath, part), part2, part3)

* Creates a valid Path with the specified parts
* === Parameters
* [%header, cols="1,3"]
* |===
* | Name   | Description
* | basePath | The base path
* | parts | All that child part
* |===
* === Example
* This example shows how the `path` behaves under different inputs.
* ==== Source
* [source,DataWeave,linenums]
* ----
* %dw 2.0
* output application/json
* ---
* path("/tmp", ["a","b","c"])
* ----
* ==== Output
* [source,Json,linenums]
* ----
* "/tmp/a/b/c"
* ----
fun path(basePath: Path, parts: Array<String>): Path =
    parts reduce ((part, accumulator = basePath) -> path(accumulator, part))

Also you can create a spell with the cli and open it with the VScode plugin and it should autocomplete the functions