mulesoft-labs / osprey-method-handler

Middleware for validating requests and responses based on a RAML method object
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Rework using webapi-parser #61

Closed postatum closed 4 years ago

postatum commented 4 years ago

Major changes:

Minor changes:

Making a release:

PR depends on:

To test the PR locally with all the reworked Osprey sub-dependencies, use this Makefile.

Error format change

The new version changes the errors response format for RAML and JSON Schema validation errors. The new errors responses are more uniformal and descriptive while at the same time being less verbose. The change is caused by the fact that a different parser is used to parse RAML specs, which in turn produces a different parsed document model.

Let's explore the changes on body validation examples.

JSON Schema validation example responses

Number value is greater than the "maximum":


      "schema":"{\n  \"$schema\": \"\",\n  \"type\": \"object\",\n  \"minProperties\": 2,\n  \"properties\": {\n    \"firstName\": {\n      \"type\": \"string\"\n    },\n    \"lastName\": {\n      \"type\": \"string\"\n    },\n    \"age\": {\n      \"type\": \"number\",\n      \"minimum\": 5,\n      \"maximum\": 99\n    }\n  }\n}",
      "message":"invalid json (schema, {\n  \"$schema\": \"\",\n  \"type\": \"object\",\n  \"minProperties\": 2,\n  \"properties\": {\n    \"firstName\": {\n      \"type\": \"string\"\n    },\n    \"lastName\": {\n      \"type\": \"string\"\n    },\n    \"age\": {\n      \"type\": \"number\",\n      \"minimum\": 5,\n      \"maximum\": 99\n    }\n  }\n})"


      "message":"should be <= 99",

Less properties than "minProperties":


      "schema":"{\n  \"$schema\": \"\",\n  \"type\": \"object\",\n  \"minProperties\": 2,\n  \"properties\": {\n    \"firstName\": {\n      \"type\": \"string\"\n    },\n    \"lastName\": {\n      \"type\": \"string\"\n    },\n    \"age\": {\n      \"type\": \"number\",\n      \"minimum\": 5,\n      \"maximum\": 99\n    }\n  }\n}",
      "message":"invalid json (schema, {\n  \"$schema\": \"\",\n  \"type\": \"object\",\n  \"minProperties\": 2,\n  \"properties\": {\n    \"firstName\": {\n      \"type\": \"string\"\n    },\n    \"lastName\": {\n      \"type\": \"string\"\n    },\n    \"age\": {\n      \"type\": \"number\",\n      \"minimum\": 5,\n      \"maximum\": 99\n    }\n  }\n})"


      "message":"should NOT have fewer than 2 properties",

RAML validation responses examples

Number value is greater than the "maximum":


      "message":"Value 200 is greater than maximum 99"


      "message":"should be <= 99",

Less properties than "minProperties":


      "message":"Too few properties defined, minimum 2"


      "message":"should NOT have fewer than 2 properties",
postatum commented 4 years ago

it would be nice to explain the rational behind this change (i.e. why it was needed) and what this change implies for the end-users.

Updated the issue description to describe error format change in detail. Please let me know if the update looks good.