Closed KevinMitchell closed 7 years ago
what <value/>
have you set for <configureTypesFor/>
in your pom.xml
Ah, that perhaps explains it. So I can see in the examples directory there are pom files for the examples, and I can see these have the configureTypesFor entries. But I was trying to convert my raml using the cli project. So do I still need to have the same project structure as the other examples, and the cli project is just a convenient way of invoking this? I'd been assuming it would just be an option on the command line. But I'll try copying an existing example project structure, and try that.
you can pass that option to the CLI using the -e
sorry it wasn't clear. this needs to be documented!
I added -e jackson to the CLI, and now get annotations on the classes generated from the RAML types. But I still don't get any code corresponding to the RAML resources. For example, if I define
type: string
I was expecting to get a class generated for Foo, with an @Path annotation etc. But there was no sign of one. So is there something else I'm missing from the CLI?
Hi, are you running with the CLI ? java -jar .../raml-to-jaxrs/raml-to-jaxrs-cli/target/raml-to-jaxrs-cli-2.0.0-RC2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -e jackson -d /tmp -r singlepackage types_user_defined.raml
Should generate files in /tmp/singlepackage.
If you are running through maven, the files are genrated in target/generated-sources/raml-jaxrs.
I've just moved to the maven version and it works fine for me there. But thanks for the help.
I'm trying the release/2.0.0 branch of raml-for-jax-rs and ran the raml-to-jaxrs-cli jar passing it a RAML 1.0 specification. It appeared to run without error, but only generated interfaces and classes for the types, plus a ResponseDelegate source. There was no code generated for any of the RAML methods. So is there some command-line argument I'm missing when I'm invoking the raml-to-jaxrs-cli jar, is there some annotations I need to add to the RAML to trigger the generation, or is the implementation still "work-in-progress"?