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Define emoji usage in commit messages #1

Open sandro-guest opened 5 years ago

sandro-guest commented 5 years ago

Compile a set of emojis to denote type of commit messages.

Using emojis will conform the format of semantic commit messages replacing named values for <type> segment with appropriate emojis, e.g.

This may add some fraction when writing commit messages but add pretty visualizations.


On completion should provide a JSON file similar to the source file with presentable documentation.

Following types must be included

Additional types may be introduced carefully.

- [x] :art: ui

Source (@commitzen/conventional-commit-types) ```json { "types": { "feat": { "description": "A new feature", "title": "Features" }, "fix": { "description": "A bug fix", "title": "Bug Fixes" }, "docs": { "description": "Documentation only changes", "title": "Documentation" }, "style": { "description": "Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)", "title": "Styles" }, "refactor": { "description": "A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature", "title": "Code Refactoring" }, "perf": { "description": "A code change that improves performance", "title": "Performance Improvements" }, "test": { "description": "Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests", "title": "Tests" }, "build": { "description": "Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)", "title": "Builds" }, "ci": { "description": "Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)", "title": "Continuous Integrations" }, "chore": { "description": "Other changes that don't modify src or test files", "title": "Chores" }, "revert": { "description": "Reverts a previous commit", "title": "Reverts" } } } ```


Tools and integrations

Real-world examples

sandro-guest commented 5 years ago


Introduce a new feature to the codebase

:star2: add Oyster build script
sandro-guest commented 5 years ago


A bug fix

:bug: remove broken confirmation message
sandro-guest commented 5 years ago


Update documentation

:memo: explain hat wobble
sandro-guest commented 5 years ago


Improve the format/structure of the code

:tophat: remove extra whitespace
sandro-guest commented 5 years ago


Refactor production code neither fixing a bug nor adding a feature.

sandro-guest commented 5 years ago


Add tests, refactor tests. No production code change

:golf: ensure Tayne retains clothing
sandro-guest commented 5 years ago


Introduce breaking changes

sandro-guest commented 5 years ago


Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation. No production code change.

:wrench: setup Travis CI integration
sandro-guest commented 5 years ago


Update UI, without changing functionality (e.g. accessibility)

:ribbon: make header sticky
sandro-guest commented 5 years ago


Work in progress

:construction: optimize images
sandro-guest commented 5 years ago


Improve current implementation without adding a new feature or fixing a bug

:dizzy: return WeakMap instead of Map
sandro-guest commented 5 years ago


Continuous Integration

sandro-guest commented 5 years ago


Improve the format/structure of the code