Closed jimmyandrade closed 4 years ago
O card está bloqueado devido a um erro na biblioteca do OpenALPR do Multei. A biblioteca não consegue identificar a secretKey enviada como parâmetro.
Há um possível trecho de código em useStepsNavigation que poderá ser refatorado para uma melhor abordagem.
User story
As a user creating a parking report I want to submit the car front photo So that I'm able to move on with the parking report
Business context
The user should submit a photo in the process of creating the parking report, if invalid this can not block the process. Therefore, the user must be able to submit a new photo to move on.
In scope
Out of scope
Acceptance Criteria
[x] 1. User submit valid car front photo
Given the user submit a valid car front photo When they click on "Avançar" Then the app shows a loading cog And the app should go to the next step
[x] 2. User submit invalid car front photo
Given the user submit an invalid car front photo When they click on "Avançar" Then the app shows a loading cog And the app shows the error message And allow the user to upload another photo
Checklist do kickoff
(Ex.: Contexto, Escopo, Fora de Escopo, Critérios de aceite, etc);
Checklist do deskcheck