multicaret / laravel-acquaintances

This package gives Eloquent models the ability to manage friendships (with groups), followships along with Likes, favorites..etc.
MIT License
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Feature Request: Add Method to Query All Friendship Statuses #110

Open AlwaysShreeKrishna opened 3 months ago

AlwaysShreeKrishna commented 3 months ago


I would like to request a new feature for the library to include a method that allows querying friendships without filtering by a specific status. The current implementation only allows querying by a specific status, which limits the flexibility of the querying capabilities. /**

Proposed Solution: Here is an example of how the new method can be implemented: /**

mkwsra commented 3 months ago

Sounds great, make it as PR and I will accept it immediately, (so you can take the credits :D) Thanks Shree krishna

AlwaysShreeKrishna commented 3 months ago

I have taken PR #111 please review and merge.