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added methods for producing hot spot input maps #37

Closed jlustigy closed 5 years ago

jlustigy commented 5 years ago

This update adds two useful functions (prep_blackbody_hotspot_map and prep_spectral_hotspot_map) for producing secondary eclipse lightcurves from a map with a "hot spot" geometry:


prep_blackbody_hotspot_map has options for specifying the temperature of the interior and exterior hotspot regions, while prep_spectral_hotspot_map is (currently) hard-coded to use two spectra that @katfeng generated (previously used only in prep_map2()).

Here is a minimum working example for how to generate model lightcurves:

from gen_lightcurves import prep_spectral_hotspot_map, create_lightcurves_with_starry
lamhr, spaxels = prep_spectral_hotspot_map()
time, lam, dlam, lcurves = create_lightcurves_with_starry(lamhr, spaxels)
