multidworlds / eigenspectra

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Fixed bug that flipped quadrant designations relative to docs #51

Closed jlustigy closed 5 years ago

jlustigy commented 5 years ago

@meganmansfield discovered this bug, which manifested as a mismatch between expected quadrant fluxes based on my descriptions in the docs and the true quadrant fluxes painted on the map when viewed with starry. Fortunately, this bug was just a silly North-South latitude flip and an East-West longitude flip. It is now fixed and the code should be operating in agreement with the doc strings. Specifically, the function create_quadrant_map(f1, f2, f3, f4, lat0 = 0.0, lon0 = 0.0, Nside = 16) returns a quadrant map with different spectra "painted on the surface", where the input spectra are:

    f1 : array
        Planet-star flux ratio 1 (upper/north left/west)
    f2 : array
        Planet-star flux ratio 2 (lower/south left/west)
    f3 : array
        Planet-star flux ratio 3 (upper/north right/east)
    f4 : array
        Planet-star flux ratio 4 (lower/south right/east)