multiformats / clj-multihash

Clojure implementation of the Multihash spec
The Unlicense
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Fix for issue #16 #17

Closed MitchellJThomas closed 1 year ago

MitchellJThomas commented 2 years ago

I really tried hard (at least 3 hours of work) to get the clojurescript tests to run using doo and phantomjs. But couldn't get phantomjs to work .e.g Subprocess failed (exit code: 1)

I even tried running those the tests using Kaocha but also with no luck, the client woudn't start correctly.

In any event, I did try to validate the clojurecript side of things, but can't confirm this fix doesn't break clojurescript.

MitchellJThomas commented 2 years ago

Hurray! I can confirm using Safari and Firefox browsers on a MacOS system that this PR passes its ClojureScript tests.

To do so I had to install Karma like this: npm install karma karma-safari-launcher karma-firefox-launcher karma-cljs-test --save-dev and initialize it using this ~/node_modules/karma/bin/karma init which created the karma.conf.js file.

Of course I had to have Firefox installed. I updated the cljs-test alias in the project.clj file to be ["doo" "firefox" "test" "once"]. Note that alias change is NOT part of this pull request as it was a way to solve my specific environment problem, not this issue.

After that then I could then successfully run lein cljs-test and confirm there were no problems.

BigLep commented 1 year ago

There are no maintainers for this repo. Can you please fork and maintain your own copy?