Closed xicilion closed 2 years ago
After actual testing, we can use the same algorithm as to compress the SM2 public key and recover it successfully.
In our case, the compressed sm2 public key zEPJcWxWVMvrRvSLt4WsPekiqt89YVFRYxSkHbNRjaPfZWTPs
will be uncompressed as follows:
"kty": "EC",
"crv": "SM2",
"x": "4_1l5yuoHlvhmCsYzfYCLJXFU8-uv5464mWmC-tdyx4",
"y": "mJoxCEVBRMrgL4B544mhN85kpjXkwXY_HEb_SltPWh0"
The algorithm code used for recovery is as follows:
const bigInt = require("big-integer");
// Consts for SM2 curve.
const two = new bigInt(2),
b = new bigInt('28E9FA9E9D9F5E344D5A9E4BCF6509A7F39789F515AB8F92DDBCBD414D940E93', 16),
// Pre-computed value, or literal
pIdent = prime.add(1).divide(4);
function pad_with_zeroes(number, length) {
var retval = '' + number;
while (retval.length < length) {
retval = '0' + retval;
return retval;
* Point decompress SM2 curve
* @param {string} Compressed representation in hex string
* @return {string} Uncompressed representation in hex string
function ECPointDecompress(comp) {
var signY = new Number(comp[1]) - 2;
var x = new bigInt(comp.substring(2), 16);
// y^2 = x^3 - 3x + b
var y = x.pow(3).subtract(x.multiply(3)).add(b).modPow(pIdent, prime);
// If the parity doesn't match it's the *other* root
if (y.mod(2).toJSNumber() !== signY) {
// y = prime - y
y = prime.subtract(y);
return '04' + pad_with_zeroes(x.toString(16), 64) + pad_with_zeroes(y.toString(16), 64);
seems reasonable to me, I'll leave this open till tomorrow in case others have input but will then merge it for you; this thread should serve as background for anyone that comes along wanting to know more about the entry
This request was not merged. :)
that's a bit weird, doesn't say who closed it, was that you @xicilion? I'm happy to merge this if it's still wanted? sorry for being slow on getting to it.
Didn't you close it? I'm also confused about this. This request is still expected to be merged, thank you very much.
Nope, I didn't close it, it doesn't say who or why, it's just closed! I'll sort it out though.
thank you very much.
SM2 is a set of cryptographic algorithms based on elliptic curve cryptography, including a digital signature, public key encryption and key exchange scheme.