multiformats / multihash

Self describing hashes - for future proofing
MIT License
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please help me-silly or is there a typo? #52

Open yarikoptic opened 7 years ago

yarikoptic commented 7 years ago

New to multihash (sounds sound ;) ) so pardon my ignorance and possibly RTFM question. has an example for sha3 256 which starts with 1420caad, but according to the multihash table ( 0x16 sha3-256. So why example doesn't start with 16? (I guessed that those examples are autogenerated so there must be no mistakes/bug, thus I guess it is all my misunderstanding)

satra commented 7 years ago

sha3 used to be 14 but has been deprecated, so i believe the readme is out of date in those pictures.

also in that picture sha2-512 should have length: 0x40 not 0x20

but only the captain @jbenet can clarify ;)

Nemo157 commented 7 years ago

The 0x20 byte sha2-512 multihash is a valid multihash. It means the resulting 512-bit hash has been truncated to 256-bits and only those first 256-bits of the hash should be checked when validating the hash (see

Although, that reference is still just a comment in an issue, it really should be added to the actual spec if it is going to be the standard.

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

@Nemo157 Want to make a PR? :)