multigcs / riocore

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Startup CLK for spartan6 #10

Open ozzyrob opened 1 week ago

ozzyrob commented 1 week ago

Just a heads up, no need to act on it right away as I'm still slowly experimenting with the spartan6. Had to change the startup clk in the Makefile as the jtag clk option wouldn't config when writing to flash (found this out while using your FPGA-Blinky repo, gotta get the first flashing LED to appease the Gods). Have also been setting the Pin specs in the pins.ucf file, have been taking these from the Mesa ucf files.

$(PROJECT).bit: parout.ncd $(PROJECT).pcf
    bitgen -w -g StartUpClk:CClk -g CRC:Enable parout.ncd $(PROJECT).bit $(PROJECT).pcf
    #bitgen -w -g StartUpClk:jtagclk -g CRC:Enable parout.ncd $(PROJECT).bit $(PROJECT).pcf
    cp -v hash_new.txt hash_compiled.txt
multigcs commented 1 week ago

thanks, have adding new option to the boardconfig:

    "clock": {
        "speed": "50000000",
        "pin": "p55",
        "startup": "CClk"

if you send me your .ucf file, maybe i can add the missing stuff to the generator 'riocore/generator/pins/ucf/'

ozzyrob commented 1 week ago

Dude you are awesome ! Thank you so much Something may seem a little different in this file as I'm using a different Spartan 6 board pins.ucf.txt

New Board for Mimas Mimas Spartan 6 Product Page Mimas.json.txt

Basic config for the board config-test.json.txt

multigcs commented 1 week ago

I have to thank you :)

I have added an option for the pins, at least for ISE for now, to be able to set my own values for "screw", "drive" and "iostandard": Example:

            "type": "stepdir",
            "name": "Joint0",
            "pins": {
                "step": {
                    "pin": "BOB_A:P2",
                    "screw": "FAST",
                    "drive": 24,
                    "iostandard" = "LVTTL"
                "dir": {
                    "pin": "BOB_A:P3"
                    "drive": 24,
                    "iostandard" = "LVTTL"
            "is_joint": true

now it is also possible now to set this values in the files and i will try to set some good defaults there:

        self.NAME = "blink"
        self.VERILOGS = ["blink.v"]
        self.PINDEFAULTS = {
            "led": {
                "direction": "output",
                "drive": 8,

defaults for outputs are :


for inputs:


ozzyrob commented 1 week ago

Once again that's great work, and fast. Should "screw" be "slew" ?

There is also a PULLUP or PULLDOWN attribute, would it be worth including it for the Spartan 6 Spartan-6 FPGA SelectIO Attributes/Constraints

multigcs commented 1 week ago

sorry, 'slew' :)

pullup/pulldown support for ucf is added

multigcs commented 1 week ago

pullup/pulldown are two boolean options now, i think i rewrite this part:


pullup: true pulldown: false


pullmode: "UP" pullmode: "DOWN" pullmode: "NONE"

ozzyrob commented 1 week ago

Perfect, man you work fast.

Just a little off topic if that's ok, with UDP what's the better option WT32_ETH0 bridge solution or a Wiznet W5500 module ? I have both modules available for use.

multigcs commented 1 week ago

at the moment i think WT32_ETH0, it's little bit slower but rock solid (last test: zero packet loss in 2days)

but the W5500 is well suited for testing, no real problems, no connection interruptions

ozzyrob commented 1 week ago

Okay I'll give it a go. Thanks

ozzyrob commented 5 days ago

Gave the W5500 ago, ping times about half of WT32_ETH01, but connection not as stable, once again SPI cables were not the best, long and floaty. Once I get my preferred dev board back I'll give it a proper try.