multihack / multihack-brackets

Realtime collaboration for programmers. (Brackets Extension)
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Support Linux Mint (and other builds without WebRTC) #13

Closed AonoZan closed 7 years ago

AonoZan commented 7 years ago

Not sure what Im doing wrong but after todays update I cant create room.I get message when i hit button to join room. What is meant by "your browser", brackets editor or real browser? Im almost sure that both of them are up to date. (but there is possibility that im missing something installed)

t-mullen commented 7 years ago

What version of brackets do you have?

t-mullen commented 7 years ago

Updating Brackets will fix your issue, but please post your version first so I can identify which versions are unsupported.

Unfortunately I can't support old versions of Brackets since they don't have the needed technologies for the new P2P protocol.

t-mullen commented 7 years ago

The new brackets is much more stable anyways. No reason not to update.

AonoZan commented 7 years ago

Yesterday when I posted issue a have had older brackets (1.9) and it showed "Latest version" when you do the "Check for update". So I believed that I have latest version. Now I have updated to the "1.10 experimental build 1.10.0-17348" which you can find in "Other downloads" section at their site. Issue is stil present.



AonoZan commented 7 years ago

Also sorry for late reply. It was not intentional. Best regards and I love your work :)

t-mullen commented 7 years ago

1.9 is my version as well, so something else is happening here. I'll look into it.

t-mullen commented 7 years ago

I couldn't reproduce on any of my machines. :/ Can you post your operating system and try this quick test for me:

  1. Go to "Debug > Reload Brackets without Extensions"
  2. When it reloads, do "Debug > Show Developer Tools"
  3. In the console, type webkitRTCPeerConnection and let me know what it prints.

Thanks, hope we can fix this.

AonoZan commented 7 years ago

Ok. OS: Linux Mint 18 Sarah (4.4.0-21-generic) Browser: Opera 44 (latest)

When reloaded I cant just simply click open Dev tools. I think I can use this link http://localhost:9234 to load Dev tools in Opera. Then going simply to the console and typing didnt work. When I "Inspect" that window and type that string I get folowing code: function RTCPeerConnection() { [native code] }


Hope it helps. I haven't debugged Brackets and to be honest Im fairly new to Brackets.

t-mullen commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I'll try to get a Mint VM running to see if it's OS-specific. This issue isn't related to your browser or Opera, just Brackets.

I didn't know about the CEF remote debugger, very cool. I noticed you can't run commands though.

Does it suggest webkitRTCPeerConnection when you type webkitRTC? (Not in the inspector, at http://localhost:9234)

AonoZan commented 7 years ago


Heres what are the suggestions.

t-mullen commented 7 years ago

Ok, so webRTC is definitely missing from your Brackets build. This is wrong, I just need to find out why.

t-mullen commented 7 years ago

It looks like the Linux Mint CEF build is missing some features (namely WebRTC). This is a huge bummer...

I'm going to add a fallback to socket forwarding for Mint. Might take a few days.

t-mullen commented 7 years ago

This wasn't as hard as I thought. 3.2.0 has a server forwarding fallback. :)

Works on my phone now too, which is sorta cool.

Let me know if you experience any issues. Note that there is a limit on the public server for server forwarding. (5mb project size for "fetch code") I have to do this to prevent people from choking the server while sending enormous projects.

AonoZan commented 7 years ago

It works like a charm. I love particles.js animation that shows people connected. :)

t-mullen commented 7 years ago


It's this awesome repo:

AonoZan commented 7 years ago

Oh. I have assumed its particles.js library. Great thanks!