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Class project developed by students in Journalism 341: Multimedia Storytelling Design
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Coding Question - Lora #6

Open mayakathleen opened 5 years ago

mayakathleen commented 5 years ago

I have a question concerning graphics in the coding. In section four, Scaling Social Pillars, there's a section set aside for the Mock Con speaker graphic that is distinguished by its own intro and outro in the code. I'm curious about how that works. Do you make the graphic beforehand in an application like Illustrator and then just code it in that way, or do you just take the pictures and words you want to display and code it in without having to do any graphics or artistic work beforehand in other programs?

I also don't understand why the intro to the graphic, "speaker grid", doesn't match the outro, "mock con speaker graphics." Does the difference not affect the display on the website?