multinet-app / multilink

A node-link visualization built to work with the multinet ecosystem.
Apache License 2.0
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Improve Menu Categories #358

Closed alexsb closed 1 year ago

alexsb commented 1 year ago

I think the menu categories don't come out well.


It took me a while to understand that "Visualization Options" can be expanded and shows a lot of elements. Maybe call it "Layout Options"

It's also not clear that "Legend" is on the same level initially, and it seems it cant' be collapsed. I'd also rename "Legend" to "Attribute Options"?

Also, I like the icons for attribute-driven layout and embedded chart, but I don't think they really fit into the header of "Legend".

We should just go for "Node Attributes" and "Edge Attributes" sub-menus.

The same kind of menu in UpSet is easier to understand:


Maybe what it boils down to is making it more explicit what the header is:

Here's a simpler example where this is crystal clear: