multiplegeorges / vue-cli-plugin-s3-deploy

A vue-cli plugin that uploads your built Vue.js project to an S3 bucket
MIT License
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Allow passing an array of `assetMatch` #65

Open blimmer opened 5 years ago

blimmer commented 5 years ago

In my case, I want to ignore all sourcemap files from my assetMatch. In digging into the code, I see that globby is used with the assetMatch parameter:

I can't quite figure out how to craft a single string that does not match the map files. However, if assetMatch were allowed to be an array, this would be pretty trivial to do:

> const globby = require('globby')
> globby.sync(['**', '!**/*.map'], { cwd: 'dist' })
[ 'favicon.ico',
  'img/icons/safari-pinned-tab.svg' ]

But right now, Joi validates that it's a string:

 ERROR  ValidationError: child "assetMatch" fails because ["assetMatch" must be a string]
ValidationError: child "assetMatch" fails because ["assetMatch" must be a string]
    at Object.exports.process (/Users/blimmer/code/myproj/node_modules/joi/lib/errors.js:203:19)

Could we make assetMatch a string OR an array?

nicekiwi commented 5 years ago

something like **/*.{!map} should work..

blimmer commented 5 years ago

You'd think so, but I tried it out and it doesn't.

> const globby = require('globby')
> globby.sync('**/*.{!map}', { cwd: 'dist' })
> globby.sync('**', { cwd: 'dist' })
[ 'favicon.ico',
  'img/icons/safari-pinned-tab.svg' ]

I tried a ton of different variations of this and I couldn't figure it out.

nicekiwi commented 5 years ago

Hmmm seems reasonable. I'll look into it.

arthurmcgregor commented 5 years ago

Trying to do exactly this!


nicekiwi commented 4 years ago

This feature has landed in the devel branch, though it is highly unstable atm.