multiscale-cosim / EBRAINS-cosim

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Elephant integration requirements document #31

Open w-klijn opened 4 years ago

w-klijn commented 4 years ago
Aspect Detail
Summary Create a first version of a requirements document for Integrating Elephant into the cosim framework
Task Area Design
Assignee Wouter Klijn


During the design session we identified the following use cases:

  1. WP1 co-simulation workflow with Elephant used for translation between spikes and rates
  2. Elephant server (based on NEST server) for integration with NEST desktop
  3. Elephant as in transit processing step towards the Insite visualization framework.
  4. HPC based pre-processing of spike trains

The group decided to start working towards a single integration API for Elephant that will support all four cases and should result in reduced efforts moving forward.

Some requirements we should be aiming for: Statefull and stateless Elephant services deployed on FENIX resources. REST API Massively parallel using MPI. Continues integrated/deployed/tested.
