This issue refers to the developing of a module for launching/starting EBRAIN Co-Sim jobs/tasks based on an XML configuration file, the sequence how the jobs/tasks are started will be defined on the script where the launcher module is used. Thus, the launcher object will identify which jobs/tasks could be started based on an XML configuration file.
[ ] Create the skeleton of the launcher module
[ ] Modify EBRAINS-Orchestrator CMakeFiles.txt in order to install on the proper location to be used by the test case scripts
[ ] Import the module from existent test case scripts in order to check that the module is properly reachable.
[ ] Implement the XML configuration file manager.
[ ] Implement the launcher class method which will start the requested tasks/jobs by means of subprocess.Popen(...)
[ ] Create a new test case script based on one of the existent one, which the new launcher module must be used.
[ ] Add the appropriate methods in order to complete the functionally required to manage the started processes.
[ ] Implement the mechanism of cancellation (SIGINT).
[ ] Add the logging message by using the EBRAINS Co-Sim logging module.
[ ] Develop unit tests for the developed launcher module.
The module should provide an abstract interface to start new processes oriented to brain co-simulation experiments.
The processes will be launched based on the content of the XML configuration file provided during the creation of the launcher object.
The launcher module consumer script will request which co-sim job must started by means of the name identification, which must be declared in the launcher XML configuration file and whose parameters must be defined as well.
The processes IDs must be provided in order to manage them, e.g. interrupt, suspend, stop.
Logging messages should be sent into the files defined on the launcher's XML configuration file
Acceptance criteria
Running the brain co-simulation process based on the existent script must behave in the same way that the a new script which uses the jobs launcher module.
This issue refers to the developing of a module for launching/starting EBRAIN Co-Sim jobs/tasks based on an XML configuration file, the sequence how the jobs/tasks are started will be defined on the script where the launcher module is used. Thus, the launcher object will identify which jobs/tasks could be started based on an XML configuration file.
Acceptance criteria
Running the brain co-simulation process based on the existent script must behave in the same way that the a new script which uses the jobs launcher module.