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Basics of Ruby Syntax #70

Closed Hannah0701 closed 1 month ago

Hannah0701 commented 1 month ago

Understand variables, data types, and basic operations in Ruby. Learn about strings, numbers, and boolean values. Familiarize yourself with basic operators (+, -, *, /, and %).

By completing these tasks you should have a good understanding of what Ruby is, how to install and configure the Ruby, and how to write basic Ruby programs using variables, data types, operators, and control structures.

Followed these materials: Overview of Variables Reusing Variable Names Things on the Right Go First commit

Hannah0701 commented 1 month ago

Created VS code file as running through /Users/hannah.phillips/projects/multiverse/week9/odinProject/odinRuby/index.rb

Hannah0701 commented 1 month ago

Additional resources for another time This section contains helpful links to related content. It isn’t required, so consider it supplemental.

If you want to go deeper into Ruby’s numbers and string data types, read these chapters from the Bastards Book of Ruby: Numbers Strings Read through these Ruby Monstas sections about data types: Numbers Strings Symbols True, False, and Nil

Hannah0701 commented 1 month ago

Additional resources for another time on variables This section contains helpful links to related content. It isn’t required, so consider it supplemental.

Read the full Variables chapter from The Bastards Book of Ruby if you can’t get enough about variables. To dive deeper into how variables point to memory locations on your computer, go through these short sections: Variables as Pointers, from LaunchSchool’s Introduction to Programming With Ruby. A visual guide to variables from the Variables chapter of The Bastards Book of Ruby If you want to know more about Ruby’s naming conventions, check out the Ruby Style Guide. Don’t get too deep into it; just know that it’s there.