multiversx / mx-sdk-py-cli

Python Command Line Tools and SDK for interacting with the MultiversX blockchain and dApps.
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Make mxpy fully compatible with API (not only with Gateway) #400

Open andreibancioiu opened 5 months ago

andreibancioiu commented 5 months ago

Problematic example:

mxpy contract deploy --bytecode adder.wasm --arguments 0x00 \
    --pem erd1testnlersh4z0wsv8kjx39me4rmnvjkwu8dsaea7ukdvvc9z396qykv7z7.pem \
    --recall-nonce  --gas-limit 5000000 \
    --proxy --send

This broadcasts the transaction, but the API's response cannot be parsed by ProxyNetworkProvider. An exception is raised.

andreibancioiu commented 5 months ago

Temporary workaround: use --proxy instead of --proxy