multiversx / mx-sdk-py-cli

Python Command Line Tools and SDK for interacting with the MultiversX blockchain and dApps.
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Modify contract test command to use sc-meta #411

Open popenta opened 5 months ago

popenta commented 5 months ago

mxpy does not take care of vmtools anymore. The vmtools dependency has been removed. Now, mxpy simply forwards the arguments to sc-meta. When calling mxpy contract test, the sc-meta test command is invoked. One could also use directly sc-meta test since sc-meta is installed when calling mxpy deps install rust.

The parameters have been changed to match the parameters needed by sc-meta.

mxpy contract test now uses the following parameters:

--path PATH  the directory of the contract (default: cwd)
--go         this arg runs rust and go tests (default: false)
--scen       this arg runs scenarios (default: false). If `--scen` and `--go` are both specified, scen overrides the go argument
--nocapture  this arg prints the entire output of the vm (default: false)