multiversx / mx-sdk-py

The MultiversX Python SDK.
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Support for instantiating address and bytes values from dictionary #80

Closed popenta closed 2 weeks ago

popenta commented 2 weeks ago

Previously, the AddresValue used to convert the value of set_payload to bytes. Added support to set payload from a dictionary like bellow:

         "bech32": "erd1qyu5wthldzr8wx5c9ucg8kjagg0jfs53s8nr3zpz3hypefsdd8ssycr6th"


         "hex": "0139472eff6886771a982f3083da5d421f24c29181e63888228dc81ca60d69e1"

BytesValue can now be set from a hex string, like so:

         "hex": "68656c6c6f"

Also now, an error is raised if someone tries to convert a dictionary to a list using convert_native_value_to_list.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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