multiwii / baseflight

32 bit fork of the MultiWii RC flight controller firmware
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Fixed wing AUTO RTH and DISARM Lock out on signal loss #293

Open craigbs opened 8 years ago

craigbs commented 8 years ago

Please can i get some help I am seeing weird behaviour with the RTH mode on my naze32 with baseflight on my fixed wing. If i activate RTH i can then deactivate it with the switch if the TX is always on but if i switch off the TX and the failsafe on the RX turns on RTH then when i power on the TX again i get all control back except throttle and no matter what i do i can't get it to ARM (as it disarmed for some reason) nor switch the mode from AUTO RTH? I currently use the standard arming method of right rudder but baseflight should not disarm when i regain controls in AUTO RTH nor lock me out from arming and choosing another mode. If i use it like this is, it will just drop out the sky as soon as i regain control, I will try linking the arming to the mode switch so see if I can get around the arming issue but the AUTO RTH will still be an issue.

Thank you and I appreciate all the work, help and time in making this hobby great!

EmilsPa commented 8 years ago

Failsafe RTH is "sticky". You must toggle the GPS mode to get it to release.

set small_angle = 180 This will allow you to ARM the plane in any attitude.