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GPU-accelerated micromagnetic simulator
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Multiple external fields #144

Closed JKarsch closed 6 years ago

JKarsch commented 6 years ago

I want to have a spatially varying, time-dependent external field (to approximate the field from a microstrip line) against a static background field. I've made the fields with vector masks, and it seems that I can only put in the time dependence once I add the mask to B_ext, so I can't just make one mask with both the t-varying and static fields. I found this code for adding multiple masks, but it's not for the current MuMax version. What's the right way in MuMax3 to superpose two masks?


barnex commented 6 years ago

You can add multiple contributions: B_ext.Add( field1... ) B_ext.Add( field2... ) .... Simply make the 2nd term time-independent. Does that answer your question?