mumax / 3

GPU-accelerated micromagnetic simulator
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Jmulkers/build #223

Closed JeroenMulkers closed 5 years ago

JeroenMulkers commented 5 years ago

Improved build process for the cuda kernels and decluttering of the cuda directory

The updated makefile uses the $CUDA_HOME environment variable to compile the cuda kernels. The makefile can now be used to compile the kernels against different cuda versions or to compile the kernels with a custom cuda installation path.

The new makefile can compile the kernels in parallel (make -j 8) which decreases the compilation time drastically.

The ptx files have been removed from the repository. There is no benefit of having these generated files in the repository. Removing the ptx files improves the workflow and avoids any conflict in the ptx files.

It is still possible to compile mumax3 without having nvcc because the ptx byte code is still present in the wrappers. In my opinion, however, we should follow vcs best practices and remove the generated wrappers from the repository as well. I doubt that there are many users who want to compile mumax3 themselves and who have the cuda libraries installed without the compiler. What do you think?