mumbel / ghidra

Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
Apache License 2.0
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Peripheral register definitions #7

Closed esaulenka closed 5 years ago

esaulenka commented 5 years ago

Please add register definitions for supported MCUs.

For example, it can be converted from XML files (I found it here: ) with this simplest script:


import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# output
#       <!-- I2C Registers -->
#           <symbol name = "I2CIFG"  address = "RAM:0051"    entry = "false"/>

root = ET.parse('regtc1724.xml').getroot()

for group in root.iter('{}group'):
    group_name = group.get('name')
    group_desc = group.get('description')
    if not group_desc: group_desc = ''

    # print group.tag, group.attrib, group_name
    print '\t\t<!-- %s %s -->' % (group_name, group_desc)

    for sfr in group.iter('{}sfr'):
        # print sfr.tag, sfr.attrib
        name = sfr.get('name')
        addr = sfr.get('address')
        desc = sfr.get('description')

        print '\t\t\t<symbol name = "%s"\taddress = "%s"\tentry = "false"/>' % (name, addr)
mumbel commented 5 years ago

That's awesome, will look into it soon

mumbel commented 5 years ago

@esaulenka I didnt add the low address values since those are in the .sinc file, may need to look into that later. but for now hopefully this is what you were looking for, those files are great, thanks for the link to them.