mumble-voip / mumble-iphoneos

Mumble client for iOS-based devices
194 stars 79 forks source link

Sidetone #57

Open hydrus opened 12 years ago

hydrus commented 12 years ago


First of all thanks alot for making this app for IOS!

I love it but I only miss one thing: to be able to hear myself. I have a really good closed headset and I cannot hear myself speak because of it.

Would it be possible to implement a slider in the UI to control the amount of sidetone you have in your headphones? (I'm trying to learn how to code myself but I get lost in projects as this one, I found an audioUnit mixer but I have no idea how to mix the microphone input to the headphones output.)


mkrautz commented 12 years ago

We discussed this through email. The app needs a way to loopback recorded audio anyway, so might as well use the same functionality as a sidetone, since there's no way to do it in software on iOS 5.

iOS 6, however, seems to bring some nice audio features, as seen on some of the slides of the WWDC keynote. :-)

mkrautz commented 12 years ago

Implemented. Keeping this open for two related issues: