mumble-voip / mumble-iphoneos

Mumble client for iOS-based devices
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Server is full problem #69

Closed terryxiao closed 10 years ago

terryxiao commented 11 years ago

When I connect and disconnect a few times with the codes(using my own server setting). When I connect again, it always shows the server is full error.

mkrautz commented 11 years ago

Are you using the Mumble for iOS code in your own client?

What OS is the server running? Which Murmur (if you're using Murmur) are you using?

I'm trying to gather enough data to reproduce this. :-)

terryxiao commented 11 years ago

Murmur? Yes, I'm using Mumble for iOS.

mkrautz commented 11 years ago


I can't reproduce this with the Mumble for iOS client, that's why I'm asking for some more details.

That's why it would be convenient to know which OS and version of Murmur the server that you are trying this on, is running. (That is, it might be a server issue).

Also, can you show me some of your code? I might be able to spot the error (if it is indeed in your client).

If not, some more details would be welcome:

Are you using the code from this repo as your starting point?

Are you using MumbleKit from mumble-voip/mumblekit as your starting point?

And so on.

terryxiao commented 11 years ago

Yes, I'm using MumbleKit from mumble-voip/mumble-iphoneos. The server OS is FreeBSD and it uses Mumble 1.2.3. I'm using the code from the repo and just changed the server settings on client side.

MylesHarding commented 11 years ago

I have the same problem....

I am using the latest client and pulled submodules from this repository and using a "MultiPlay" Mumble server (, for the server it says it is version 1.2.3 and its a small 10 slot server.

What I have tested is simply connecting and disconnecting from the app to the server, eventually it will say the server is full when there is nobody connected to it. The only way I can fix this currently is to reboot the Mumble server each time the server full message happens.

Not sure what else to check.

mkrautz commented 11 years ago

I hoped I would have time to take a look at this again today, however that doesn't seem to be the case.

I will look into it as soon as I can.

mkrautz commented 11 years ago

I have now had time to test some more.

I have tested against servers running version 1.2.3 and 1.2.4-rc1 on OS X, and servers running 1.2.4-rc1 on Linux, and I haven't been able to reproduce this.

I've tried both using the app via the simulator, and on-device.

@FirmCrakShot: Can you check your Server Information (in desktop Mumble), to see what OS your Multiplay server is running - perhaps it's FreeBSD, as is the case for @terryxiao.

I'll try to set up a FreeBSD server and test this there.

MylesHarding commented 11 years ago

I have just got a reply from the Multiplay Tech Support and they tell me the operating system being used is FreeBSD 8.3. I hope this helps you find the problem.

mkrautz commented 11 years ago

@terryxiao, @FirmCrakShot:

I've tried to reproduce this on FreeBSD 8.3 and 9.1 with Murmur from ports, to no avail.

One question: when you spam-connect, does the user count for the server reflect the "full" state?

Also, what version of Mumble for iOS are you running (in particular, which git commit?). Thanks for your patience.

MylesHarding commented 11 years ago

The server count says zero even when the iOS client says its full, not sure how i check the version im using for the commit as I just did the clone recursive to get your latest code.

I am currently trying out other server providers for Mumble as maybe its just a bug with the server provider i am using.

mkrautz commented 11 years ago

@FirmCrakShot That's interesting. What's the exact error you get from the client?

Also, you should be able to get detailed version info by clicking 'About' on the main screen. That should include a commit hash.

mkrautz commented 11 years ago

There is a feature in Murmur that auto-bans you if you connect too frequently, but that error has nothing to do with the server being full. That's what is confusing me.

It seems likely that that is what you guys are seeing (I can trigger it easily by connecting quickly in succession), but the error I get has nothing to do with the server being full.

mkrautz commented 10 years ago

I will close this. Please re-open if you are still seeing this issue.