mumble-voip / mumble

Mumble is an open-source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software.
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Channel File Transfer/Browser #1307

Closed Xylemon closed 6 years ago

Xylemon commented 10 years ago

It would be great if Mumble supported a channel based file browser that users could upload to and download from. Many alternatives feature this and its main use could be for those who need to share something quick with other players/users or downloads for servers.

mkrautz commented 10 years ago

A file sharing feature to fulfil the use-case of "sharing something quickly" is unlikely to come to Mumble in the future.

There are a variety of external tools that fulfil that use-case very well: Dropbox, OneDrive, BitTorrent Sync and so on.

That's not to say that there might not be other compelling use-cases of file sharing where we feel that a file sharing feature in Mumble is justified. That may very well be.

But right now, we feel the main use case people have for a file sharing feature in Mumble are well-handled by the aforementioned external programs.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Maybe some plugin to get some integration with this external programs could be a nice feature... something like right click upload file... and then the file selected would be uploaded to some external service and the link posted on the chat.

miztizm commented 9 years ago
  1. people use mumble for 2 reasons, opensource CRYPTED VOIP and for games.
  2. The services like dropbox and stuff , isnt secure, so its not a solution for crypted voip
  3. I was using teamspeak and i moved to mumble, but im upset , that there is no filetranfer plugin or something like this , i want that users send files throu my server.
ghost commented 9 years ago

That's a good point you make, @devcline.

If this were to be implemented, there are at least a couple implementations to consider:

  1. Like @Xylemon suggested, having per-channel file browsers, where users with particular ACL permissions can upload and download files for a channel, and
  2. Allowing users to send files directly to others, where the transfer is still done via the encrypted server connection. This would allow users to share private and large files with others, without requiring the file to be uploaded to the server first.
hacst commented 9 years ago

File transfers would - depending on how cleanly you want to integrate it - be a lot of work the way our protocol currently is setup (no stream multiplexing on the control channel). Sure you can always bolt on something extra very quickly (e.g. out of band transfers negotiated via the control channel) but doing that in the core would be asking for trouble in all kind of ways. I'd much rather see us push for an extension system so ppl. can do stuff like that out of core.

Xylemon commented 9 years ago

@hacst Whether it's officially in the client or an advanced extension, I wouldn't mind as long it's there. Especially considering this is one of the things that is stopping most of my friends from moving over.

amki commented 9 years ago

I can't see why this would be "a lot of work". File uploads are basically the same thing setUserTexture already does, the only difference is that setUserTexture uploads a picture that is then added to the user and a file upload would upload a file to a channel.

ghost commented 9 years ago

File transfers and file storage on the server like TeamSpeak will be very useful feature. I would like leave TeamSpeak and use Mumble for my gaming comunity, but we need this feature.

Nextnx commented 9 years ago

I would love a direct file transfer (hole-punching most likely), so I can scrap skype. With that I would only need mumble for all my communicative activities.

katamari1992 commented 9 years ago

This would be an awesome feature for mumble to tote around. If anyone knows of a plugin that does this I'd love to have it in the meantime.

reklrekl commented 8 years ago

This is the only feature missing IMHO. Would be awesome!

alex9099 commented 7 years ago

This would be a pretty good feature

davidebeatrici commented 6 years ago

Closing in favor of #3324.