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Group-Members Usability Enhancement #1502

Open d3xter opened 9 years ago

d3xter commented 9 years ago

Hey guys,

So I started using mumble lately and I found a rather strange usability issue.

For example: Image of Group ACL

I'm not really sure if d3xter is now a member of the group or not without asking someone or reading through the source code.

So here is an idea of how i would design the Group-Members UI: Image of new Group ACL

On the left side, all current members of the group are listed and on the right side only members who are not yet inside this group. . If the user wants to add a new member to the group, he just have to select him in the right list and press the "<< Add" button. The user will be removed from the right list and appended to the left list. Removing a member from the group is as simple as selecting the user on the left list and pressing "Remove >>".

What do you guys think about that?

Lucatir commented 9 years ago


fwaggle commented 9 years ago

I think this is missing the functionality of the "remove" section?

I haven't really played with it, so forgive me if my impressions are wrong... but it's my understanding that you can say, add user d3xter to the group in the root channel by putting them in the "Members" box of the root channel, and set it to propogate to subchannels. Then further down in a subchannel, you can add them to the "Excluded" box and those group permissions will not apply in that channel.

I'm not really sure what the behaviour is if the user is in the "Members" and the "Excluded" box at the same time, that would certainly want clearing up.

d3xter commented 9 years ago

As seen in my second screenshot, we could distinguish between "d3xter (inherited)" (Which will be removed from the group members, when it gets removed from the parent channels group), and the user "d3xter" (Which wont be removed by any change from any of the parent channels).

A good idea would be to link them together, so if either one gets added to the group, both get removed from the right side.

hacst commented 9 years ago

This design omits some functionality present in the original one e.g.:

Also the available member design would definitely need to have a filter option as it would have to display all registered users on the server which might be quite a lot. I'm not a big fan of those move from left to right designs but I agree that the current design isn't exactly great....

hacst commented 9 years ago

As talked about in IRC here a potential alternative design: groupeditor

Design goals:

fwaggle commented 9 years ago

Is the italics to show a user is inherited?

hacst commented 9 years ago

Yeah. Hardly ideal though. Don't have a better idea though.

d3xter commented 9 years ago

How cumbersome is it to change the background/font-color of a list entry in Qt?

What should happen if Flubber is inherited, but added manually afterwards too? Should the inherited Member be replaced? Do we show both in the left list?

Should it be possible to move an inherited member from "Members" -> "Potential Members" or only from "Members" -> "Excluded"?

hacst commented 9 years ago

Another display issue exists with exclusions. If we have an inherited entry in members what happens to it when an exclusion for it is added. Imho removing the inherited entry in members might send the wrong signal. I think a strike-through font to indicate its exclusion would work.