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EVE Online Crash #3225

Open RinCat opened 6 years ago

RinCat commented 6 years ago

EVE random crash on using input method. (A few times a day.)

DX 11 with Mumble 1.3.0 2569 overlay. Windows 10 1703.

Unhandled exception at 0x67DB3727 (d3d11.dll) in exefile.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xDBB000FA. I didn't see people report it on EVE forums or people who using input method without mumble encountered this issue. So I think it maybe mumble overlay problem.

Kissaki commented 6 years ago

Did you try disabling the overlay and see if the issue no longer occurs?

Does this occur for other users as well?

Generally, the Overlay does not influence input, so the correlation of input to overlay does not necessarily make sense.

In 1.3 in the settings under Shortcuts you can disable shortcuts in privileged applications and disable windows hooks, and see if that helps - may be worth a try as you say it is on using input.

What do you mean by "input method"?

If you could provide a stacktrace that would be of much help to see in what program module and code the issue actually occurs. A crash should create a minidump file in ´%LOCALAPPDATA%\CrashDumps` by default. You may want to send it to us privately, as it can contain potentially sensitive memory data. You can PM me or message one of our core members on IRC. If you know how to read out or log a stack trace that would be great of course, no need for the dump file in that case. (You can load the crash dump in WinDbg and check the stacktrace; see Wiki Debugging#WinDbg)

RinCat commented 6 years ago

If mumble is not running, I never see this occurred. Going to try disable overlay (but that's why I am using beta for DX11 overlay.) Only a few people need use input method in EVE, and using beta is also rare. So I haven't found anyone else reported it. I will give a core dump due to WDK not support VS 2017 yet.

Kissaki commented 6 years ago

Oh, that's what you were referring to. Make sure to also try to disable the windows hooks as mentioned above, as those actually influence input stuff.

mkrautz commented 6 years ago

@RinCat If we were to reproduce this, how can we do it? I don't think any of us are familiar with how input methods actually work in practice. Is there a guide you can link us to, or something? Thanks.

RinCat commented 6 years ago

@mkrautz Add and switch input and display language preferences in Windows 10 You may try Chinese (Simplified, China) -> Pinyin first since I don't know other languages (e.g. Japanese) are using the same engine or not. Only add Keyboard, set language is not necessary.

Just type random letter keys, it will shows something. You don't need know the meaning for test it.

But as I said, it has occurred for me in random situation, I have no accurate condition when it will 100% happen. And before crash 1-2s, it will got a huge FPS drop.

MrNightShade07 commented 5 years ago

Hi. I had this issue as well when mumble overlay is active, EvE Online keeps crashing after a few minutes. I wasn't aware I had Mumble 32bit installed on Windows 10 64bit. Issue has been resolved with installing the 64bit client. Hop this helps!