I tried to build and train your code, M3DSSD.
But I have one problem with training.
I ran the following command with the guide you provided.
python3 scripts/train_rpn_3d.py --config=kitti_3d_base --exp_name base
But I got the following error.
File "scripts/train_rpn_3d.py", line 324, in <module>
File "scripts/train_rpn_3d.py", line 114, in main
dataset = Kitti_Dataset_torch(conf, paths)
File "/workspace/lib/dataloader.py", line 892, in __init__
generate_anchors(conf, self.imdb, paths.data_cache) # generate anchors to conf.anchors
File "/workspace/lib/rpn_util.py", line 118, in generate_anchors
ols = iou(anchors[:, 0:4], normalized_gts[:, 0:4])
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed
I checked that normalized_gts.shape is (0,), so I think there is no loaded data in normalized_gts.
Then I took a look at the rpn_util.py, dataloader.py, and train_rpn_3d.py.
I found out that normalized_gts was from "imdb", and "imdb" was from train_imdb.pkl" file.
But I don't have the train_imdb.pkl file, so any data cannot be loaded to imdb and normalized_gts.
How can I get the pkl file and solve this problem?
Hello, I tried to build and train your code, M3DSSD. But I have one problem with training.
I ran the following command with the guide you provided.
python3 scripts/train_rpn_3d.py --config=kitti_3d_base --exp_name base
But I got the following error.
I checked that normalized_gts.shape is (0,), so I think there is no loaded data in normalized_gts. Then I took a look at the rpn_util.py, dataloader.py, and train_rpn_3d.py. I found out that normalized_gts was from "imdb", and "imdb" was from train_imdb.pkl" file.
But I don't have the train_imdb.pkl file, so any data cannot be loaded to imdb and normalized_gts.
How can I get the pkl file and solve this problem?
Thank you!