mumoshu / terraform-provider-eksctl

Manage AWS EKS clusters using Terraform and eksctl
Apache License 2.0
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Create eksctl nodegroup using terraform with overrideBootstrapCommand #60

Open mukundjalan opened 2 years ago

mukundjalan commented 2 years ago

We are creating eks cluster nodegroup using eksctl. After the creation of cluster, we would like to make some modification as to how the nodegroup is created, hence the creation of cluster and nodegroup are done in separate modules.

Currently we use a null_resource to execute the eksctl command for nodegroup creation (cluster is created using the eksctl_cluster terraform resource) using the nodegroup config as below

kind: ClusterConfig

  name: ${cluster_name}
  region: ${region}

  - name: ${node_group_name}
    ami: "${ami_id}"
    privateNetworking: true
    instanceType: ${instance_type}
    desiredCapacity: ${desired_size}
    minSize: ${min_size}
    maxSize: ${max_size}
    volumeType: gp3
    volumeSize: ${disk_size}
    overrideBootstrapCommand: |
      /etc/eks/ ${cluster_name} --kubelet-extra-args "${node_group_name} --kube-reserved=cpu=${kubelet_cpu},memory=${kubelet_memory},ephemeral-storage=${kubelet_ephemeral_storage} --eviction-hard=memory.available<${eviction_threshold},nodefs.available<10%,nodefs.inodesFree<5%,imagefs.available<15% --kernel-memcg-notification=true"
      instanceRoleARN: ${node_group_role_arn}
      %{ for label_key, label_value in labels }
      ${label_key}: ${label_value}
      %{ endfor ~}

I would like to use the terraform resource eksctl_nodegroup to create this nodegroup but I cannot find any option to set overrideBootstrapCommand. As ami and overrideBootstrapCommand work hand in hand for managed nodegroups, I believe I am missing something here