mumoshu / terraform-provider-helmfile

Deploy Helmfile releases from Terraform
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Support helm-diff binary version(?) #29

Open bycEEE opened 4 years ago

bycEEE commented 4 years ago

Ran into this issue:


  0: helm-3.3.0 (10 bytes)
  1: --kube-context (14 bytes)
  2: [REDACTED] (42 bytes)
  3: diff (4 bytes)
  4: upgrade (7 bytes)
  5: --reset-values (14 bytes)
  6: --allow-unreleased (18 bytes)
  7: prometheus (10 bytes)
  8: stable/prometheus-operator (26 bytes)
  9: --version (9 bytes)
  10: ~9.3.0 (6 bytes)
  11: --disable-validation (20 bytes)
  12: --namespace (11 bytes)
  13: monitoring (10 bytes)
  14: --values (8 bytes)
  15: /var/folders/qr/2m8w9ym94yq4z00qxk_1wxfw0000gp/T/values036368530 (64 bytes)
  16: --detailed-exitcode (19 bytes)
  17: --suppress-secrets (18 bytes)
  18: --no-color (10 bytes)
  19: --context (9 bytes)
  20: 3 (1 bytes)

  exit status 1


  Error: unknown flag: --disable-validation

This is due to me using 3.1.1 of the helm-diff plugin, 3.1.2 changelog adds the following parameter: --disable-validation.

I'm playing around with using this provider to enforce binary versions across our team with strictly terraform and I'm wondering if a terraform provider can handle specifying helm plugin versions.

mumoshu commented 4 years ago

@bycEEE Hey! Thanks for reporting. I'm aware of this and planning to address it by integrating a package manager into the provider: So you'll eventually be able to manage versions of helmfile/helm/helm-diff via terraform resources.