mumoshu / variant2

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feat: Multi-tenancy of Web UI #17

Open osterman opened 4 years ago

osterman commented 4 years ago

Importing from

Add a Login page and a project-selection page in front of #32. It should be deployed along with multiple instances of variant server #31 (+ perhaps #32).

This may be a too big project that is unlikely to be implemented. But I'll write this just for sake of completeness .

osterman commented 4 years ago

Was talking about this with @johncblandii today. I understand if this could be too big of a project.

Currently, the slack bot fills this role, but there's no ability to stream output for long-running commands.

I imagine the UI could be similar to shellhub but instead of launching shells, it runs jobs and prompts with a form where options or parameters may be needed. Output from the command would be streamed to the console.



johncblandii commented 4 years ago

This would be sweet!

mumoshu commented 4 years ago

Yeah, this would be so nice to have! But I'm not that fast coder/good designer for Web UIs.

Could anyone donate this to Variant 2? 😃

mumoshu commented 4 years ago

@osterman Btw Keycloak in this picture provides authentication, but not authorization.

Probably we need an authorization system and RBAC functionality built-in to make this practically useful?

mumoshu commented 4 years ago

Where's/What's the silver bullet for building an enterprise-grade Web UI today? :)

osterman commented 4 years ago

Where's/What's the silver bullet for building an enterprise-grade Web UI today? :)

Heh, I'm probably more out of date than you on this. I really wish I knew other than I'm constantly impressed by how many nice UIs there are these days (long gone are the day of the unbearable nagios-grade UIs).

Let me pull in @zloeber who has an answer for everything. =)

Gowiem commented 4 years ago

@osterman @mumoshu Saw this while browsing the #variant channel. On a project I manage we went with React Admin, which I think would be a good fit to bootstrap this use-case.

long gone are the day of the unbearable nagios-grade UIs

Haha this cracked me up, 5 years ago I was still using nagios and it is amazing how poorly that UI would be looked upon nowadays.