mumuy / browser

浏览器检测 - Useragent分析/浏览器识别/浏览器判断/UA解析/用户代理信息/Useragent analysis tool/Browser detection
MIT License
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Mobile of Huawei #38

Closed simo-an closed 2 years ago

simo-an commented 4 years ago

The ways to judge if it's Huawei browser is

'Huawei': u.indexOf('HuaweiBrowser') > -1||u.indexOf('HUAWEI') > -1

But i found that other browsers installed on huawei also contain HUAWEIIJKM.

Huawei's default browser's kernal is X5(QQBrowser), so i think regarding it as QQBrowser may be more reasonable.

mumuy commented 4 years ago

most browser is bese on Chromium, but I can't regarding it as Chromium

VYuLinLin commented 4 years ago

楼上的意思应该是这种判断u.indexOf('HuaweiBrowser') > -1||u.indexOf('HUAWEI') > -1不能正确判断是否是华为浏览器。 因为华为手机上安装的其他浏览器,userAgent也包含HUSWEI这个字段,比如我的华为手机,自带的浏览器和安装的UC浏览器,判断都不正确