munawarb / Treasure-Hunt

A top-down shooter audio game for the blind and visually impaired
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 5 forks source link

Upgrade to SharpDX 4.2 #23

Open munawarb opened 5 years ago

munawarb commented 5 years ago

The BPCSharedComponent.dll packaged with Treasure Hunt is running SharpDX 4.1. The library has been updated as part of work on TDV and now links against SharpDX 4.2. So the NuGet packages as well as the BPCSharedComponent.dll library need to be updated.

nickgaw commented 4 years ago

I just tried running this latest version and got this error message and think it is related to this issue. "The type initializer for 'th.DXSound' threw an exception." " at th.DXSound.InitDX(Int64& WinHandle) at th.mainFRM.mainFRM_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)",

munawarb commented 4 years ago

Hi @nickgaw, Yes, probably, though if you're able to run TDV Treasure Hunt shouldn't be crashing like that.

I do plan to integrate a new BPCSharedComponent.dll into Treasure Hunt once I'm done upgrading the whole library to XAudio2 and X3DAudio and dropping DirectSound completely. This should alleviate errors on newer OS's.