munificent / craftinginterpreters

Repository for the book "Crafting Interpreters"
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Missing information about status. #17

Closed jibal closed 7 years ago

jibal commented 7 years ago

The document is copyright 2015 but only has the first 4 chapters. The rest say "coming soon!" but that's obviously not true. Please do your readers a favor and include information about the actual status and progress of this book and when they can realistically expect to see the rest of it. As it is, reading this is a waste of time when so much of the document is missing. Also it's a waste of time to post issues about the content, which I had intended to do.

switchtrue commented 7 years ago

Looking at the commit history in this repo seems to suggest its being pretty actively worked on and that the year in the footer is simple a mistake or outdated. See #4

jibal commented 7 years ago

@mleonard87 What part of "only has the first 4 chapters" don't you understand? You thumbed my report down, but you seem to have made no attempt to understand it or to respond to what I actually wrote. And your grasp of the commit history is poor, at best. There seems to be a lot of polishing but not much actual writing. This thing "went live" a couple of days ago, quite prematurely when there are only 4 chapters. Again, I call for the actual status and progress of the book, in the book, so as to not abuse readers. "Get on my email list and I'll let you know" is not satisfactory.

louispotok commented 7 years ago

@jibal First, you're wrong: in the last three weeks I see commits for the outline and drafts 1-4 of the Scanning chapter. (see eg here.)

Second, you wrote this in an extremely aggressive way -- completely uncalled for and quite rude. This is someone's side project, which they are providing to you free of charge. If you think it could be improved, you can either forget that it exists or provide constructive feedback.

switchtrue commented 7 years ago

@louispotok Agreed. I just didn't want anyone reading the book to end up here an think the project was already abandoned which is why I commented. I also believe that the first 4 chapters alone are worth a read even if the rest of the book did not get finished. I've learnt several things I did not already know and the style of writing is very well suited to me.

munificent commented 7 years ago

The document is copyright 2015

The first commit is from December 27th, 2014. Copyright dates establish when the work is first created, not when it was last updated.

only has the first 4 chapters.

I worked on it off and on through 2015. Starting on June 30th of last year, I have worked on it every single day up until today, which you can see by looking at the log:

The code for the entire book is complete, tested, and split into chapters (that's what all the funny-looking comments in the source are for). If you run:

make chapters
make c_chapters

It will run the tests for each version of the interpreter as it exists at the end of each chapter.

The build script that weaves the code snippets in with the text is working, which is quite a bit of effort. As is the design of the site, the CSS, and the templates.

Sorry you seem to be having a bad day.

jibal commented 7 years ago

I did provide constructive criticism -- not even criticism, just a request -- and everyone here has been quite rude to me. Good luck with that. Over and out.

P.S. "If you run ..."

I'm not interested in running the script that builds your book, I was a reader of the book, which was linked from Hacker News. I asked that you include status in the book ... few readers will come here to github to find out about it. Sorry to know that you are so hostile to such a request.

And as for constructive criticism, here is some: next time, wait until a book is largely done before "going live". The way you did it has lost you many readers, people who won't stick around to see what happens.

switchtrue commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the update @munificent. Loving the book so far and I'm looking forward to the next chapters!