munificent / hauberk

A web-based roguelike written in Dart.
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pub deps/get and missing getter in web/areas.dart #5

Closed jwaltz closed 10 years ago

jwaltz commented 10 years ago

I enjoy your blog and game programming patterns book and hoped to contribute to hauberk as a hobby/learning experience.

I don't have any experience with Dart so I figured i'd use the Dart Editor to help with the learning curve. When I forked, cloned, and opened the project folder with the editor I got a bunch of warnings about undefined key codes for numpad keys in Malison. I looked at the Malison repo and saw that they had been implemented so I ran pub deps and was able to resolve all the warnings.

I also saw 2 hints about a missing getter (pictured) so I looked into it and I think it should be content.breeds instead of areas.breeds? screen shot 2014-08-09 at 2 15 21 pm

I don't know if this is even a helpful thing to merge so let me know what you think. I was just hoping to get started with something small.

munificent commented 10 years ago

I'm going to close this out, but don't take that to mean I don't want your contributions. Even though I didn't merge this, it was helpful to point out that I broke areas.dart.

If you want something small to start on, it may be easiest to start with some content. There are a bunch of weapons and armor that aren't in the game yet, some of which have some notes commented out in items.dart. You could flesh those out, if you'd like.

If you want something more code-oriented, let me know and I can dig something up.


jwaltz commented 10 years ago

I think i'm using the dev build. dart --version returns Dart VM version: 1.6.0-dev.6.0 (Mon Jul 28 08:55:26 2014) on "macos_x64". pub --version returns Pub 1.6.0-dev.6.0. Is this the build I should be working with?

No offense taken whatsoever about the closing! I'll take a look at items.dart to start and go from there.

munificent commented 10 years ago

Ah, OK, that's the right build. The difference in locked deps may have been because I'm on bleeding edge then.