munki / mwa2

Version 2 of MunkiWebAdmin
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Wiki setup notes for RHEL / CentOS 7 #34

Closed gsoneill closed 5 years ago

gsoneill commented 5 years ago


There is a correction required for the wiki setup notes, specifically for the Apache WSGI Configuration.

The permissions access control lists changed between Apache 2.2 (default on RHEL / CentOS 6) and Apache 2.4 (default on RHEL / CentOS 7). The instructions there currently will work on 6, but not 7. The 7 instructions would require replacing the following lines:

Order deny,allow Allow from all

With this:

Require all granted

After making this change, I was able to get my instance of mwa2 accessible through Apache 2.4 on CentOS 7.

gregneagle commented 5 years ago

The wiki is editable! Please make the needed changes.