munkireport / munkireport-php

A reporting tool for munki
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MunkiReport and Active Directory advice please #1550

Closed jelockwood closed 5 days ago

jelockwood commented 1 week ago

I have previously successfully setup MunkiReport with an LDAP server and this time around I am needing to do it with Active Directory.

I have as preparation managed to bind and do ldap queries of our AD using other LDAP based tools so I now have a good idea of the details used. I also already have another different open source tool linked to AD successfully but it provides a simple web form for configuration.

As you might gather I have not yet succeeded with MunkiReport-PHP. For those unaware MunkiReport-PHP uses a library called ADLdap2

AUTH_AD_SCHEMA="ActiveDirectory" AUTH_AD_BASE_DN="OU=Employees,dc=domain,dc=secure" AUTH_AD_ACCOUNT_PREFIX="CN=" AUTH_AD_ACCOUNT_SUFFIX=",ou=Employees,dc=domain,dc=secure" AUTH_AD_HOSTS="," AUTH_AD_ALLOWED_USERS="me" AUTH_AD_USE_TLS="FALSE"



I have obviously sanitised the values above but it gives you the general picture.

Using other tools I can indicate that all users are in -


and an individual user account would be -

CN=My Name,OU=Employees,DC=Domain,DC=Secure

The account I need to use to bind to AD is however in -

OU=Administrators,OU=Service Accounts,DC=Gherson,DC=Secure

and would be listed as -

CN=Ldap Bind Account,OU=Administrators,OU=Service Accounts,DC=Gherson,DC=Secure

which is a completely different OU even if on the same server.

I am keeping things simple to start with but the relevant group I wish to use for access will be in




As a further example here is a working ldapsearch command again sanitised -

ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -W -D "Ldap Bind Account" -b "OU=Administrators,OU=Service Accounts,DC=Domain,DC=Secure" "(sAMAccountName=user)"

I think the main problem is that the users are in a completely different OU to the bind account, the Java tool I have long used even though it is discontinued to 'explore' LDAP servers can let me define a full and different bind path to where the actual users are and I believe this is also possible with ldapseach but I have not found an equivalent example for MunkiReport-PHP i.e. for ADLdap2.

jby commented 1 week ago

This is what I have in my .env, works fine:

# -------------------------------
jelockwood commented 1 week ago

@jby Thanks for the response. I have tried translating your example to my situation with variations but it did not work for me.

Does your AD structure with different OU entries in use look similar to your AD structure? Your setup as above seems to suggest you are not binding at all to AD for access, as far as I can see this would not normally work, all the LDAP clients I have working require using a bind account.

jby commented 1 week ago

No, I'm not binding. I just query the AD for Auth of the users

jelockwood commented 5 days ago

Ok I am going to close this issue and open a new one. This issue was more config advice. However it turns out that the currently used library i.e. ADLdap2 is listed by composer as having been abandoned, certainly its own project page seems to suggest this.

This would therefore mean that the author of MunkiReport-PHP should consider selecting an alternative and still supported module which hopefully works better with Active Directory when you need to do an authenticated bind