Open elichad opened 2 years ago
I've also struggled to get it to read .xyz
Generated by cif2cell 2.0.0. : Kitano, A. et al., Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-) 64, 0452061-0452069 (2001).
Si 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000
Si 4.035750000000000 4.035750000000000 1.345250000000000
Si 2.690500000000000 0.000000000000000 2.690500000000000
Si 4.035750000000000 1.345250000000000 4.035750000000000
Si 0.000000000000000 2.690500000000000 2.690500000000000
Si 1.345250000000000 1.345250000000000 1.345250000000000
Si 1.345250000000000 4.035750000000000 4.035750000000000
Si 2.690500000000000 2.690500000000000 0.000000000000000
Fails with Uncaught TypeError: r is null
- potentially due to the lack of lattice vectors? Whereas:
Lattice="5.47545112629462 4.96819156878786e-36 1.10608096941637e-36 4.96819156878786e-36 5.47545112629462 -3.12695835139248e-36 1.10608096941637e-36 -3.12695835139248e-36 5.47545112629462" Properties=species:S:1:pos:R:3:initial_magmoms:R:1:castep_labels:S:1 pbc="T T T"
Si 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 NULL
Si 4.10658834 4.10658834 1.36886278 0.00000000 NULL
Si 2.73772556 0.00000000 2.73772556 0.00000000 NULL
Si 4.10658834 1.36886278 4.10658834 0.00000000 NULL
Si 0.00000000 2.73772556 2.73772556 0.00000000 NULL
Si 1.36886278 1.36886278 1.36886278 0.00000000 NULL
Si 1.36886278 4.10658834 4.10658834 0.00000000 NULL
Si 2.73772556 2.73772556 -0.00000000 0.00000000 NULL
Fails with Uncaught Error: Invalid file format
, I tried removing the initial_magmoms
and castep_labels
columns but that didn't help.
And some cif files won't load:
_chemical_name_mineral 'Calcite'
'Graf D L'
_journal_name_full 'American Mineralogist'
_journal_volume 46
_journal_year 1961
_journal_page_first 1283
_journal_page_last 1316
Crystallographic tables for the rhombohedral carbonates
_database_code_amcsd 0000098
_chemical_formula_sum 'Ca C O3'
_chemical_formula_sum ''
_cell_length_a 4.9900
_cell_length_b 4.9900
_cell_length_c 17.0615
_cell_angle_alpha 90
_cell_angle_beta 90
_cell_angle_gamma 120
_cell_volume 367.916
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 2.710
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'R -3 c'
Ca 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
C 0.00000 0.00000 0.25000
O 0.25780 0.00000 0.25000
Fails with Uncaught The requested model does not exist
, despite containing only Ca
, C
, O
, whereas:
_cell_length_a 2.52437
_cell_length_b 2.52437
_cell_length_c 2.52437
_cell_angle_alpha 60
_cell_angle_beta 60
_cell_angle_gamma 60
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M "P 1"
_symmetry_int_tables_number 1
'x, y, z'
C1 1.0000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Biso 1.000 C
C2 1.0000 0.25000 0.25000 0.25000 Biso 1.000 C
Works fine.
Issues with file types have been raised on active crystvis repo. Muon labelling may be something we can deal with in Galaxy, by using the castep custom label to identify the muons, and leaving the species label as H
. Will need to investigate further. If this still doesn't work, may be able to add an exception to how crystvis loads to allow H:mu
Describe the bug When trying to load a file like with custom atom labels, the crystvis-js visualiser loads indefinitely and the console has the error:
Having tested a bit, it seems that crystvis cannot parse the
symbol. This is troublesome for any integration with our pymuonsuite tools.Tried and confirmed not to be a problem:
stripped outExample file from link above: