muppet3000 / homeassistant-growatt_server_api

Home Assistant Integration for Growatt - Upstream repo for the growatt_server integration that is part of the Core Home Assistant repository
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DOCUMENTATION - FAQ "How do I configure my ShineLink/Wifi Dongle to update more often" may not apply to Shine-wifi-S dongles #20

Open BobC76 opened 1 year ago

BobC76 commented 1 year ago

This section assumes there's something providing a config page at the IP address of the dongle but in my case I get no response from what I'm pretty sure by a process of elimination must be the IP address of my Shine-S wifi dongle. The server only sees the external IP/port which won't allow a connection. Router sees an espressif inc wifi chip at a local address and I can't think what else it might be...

The only datalogger config available to me seems to be via the main server URL and I can't see a way to alter the frequency of reporting, so seem to be stuck with 5 mins... I suggest a minor update to the first para in this section to note this, unless I'm missing something...

muppet3000 commented 1 year ago

I recommend taking a look here:

Specifically the link that it refers to over in the HA forums:

I plan to update the FAQ with this "alternative approach" once I've had it confirmed.

BobC76 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, that looks promising. I'll try it out later and let you know.

muppet3000 commented 1 year ago

@BobC76 - If you can confirm whether or not this method works for you that would be great as I will then close this and update the FAQ in line with the other ticket.

Freekers commented 1 year ago

@BobC76 - If you can confirm whether or not this method works for you that would be great as I will then close this and update the FAQ in line with the other ticket.

I think Growatt changed stuff again as this method did not work for me. I am not able to select 'Hotspot Mode' in the ShinePhone app like in this video: . It only gives me the option to use 2.4Ghz or 2.4+5Ghz. According to a comment from Growatt themselves on their official channel, they claim "if it shows 2.4ghz +5ghz, it means it does not support hotspot mode because it's old ver. and you gotta refer to 2.4ghz+5ghz to confogure it". Source: But in 2.4Ghz or 2.4+5Ghz mode, you cannot change the data upload interval. It simply does not offer you to change any parameters at all, it just reconnects the dongle to your WiFi network and that's it.

Anyway, I figured out another way and documented it below. You don't even need to use the ShinePhone app for this. Hope it helps:

Growatt Datalogger Speedup Data Interval Tested February 2023 - Confirmed working for ShineWifi-X Dongle - FW Version

  1. Push the button on your ShineWifi-X Dongle (Just once, short press, don't hold the button).
  2. LED will change from flashing blue to steady blue
  3. The dongle is now in hotspot mode. Connect to the WiFi hotspot of your dongle. The SSID is equal to the data logger serial number. WiFi password = 12345678
  4. Once connected to the WiFi network of the dongle, open your webbrowser. Navigate to
  5. Login with username: admin password: 12345678
  6. Go to 'Advanced Setting' on the left
  7. Change the time upload interval value from 5 to 1 and click Apply
  8. Dongle will now reboot (LED will change to steady green).
  9. After reboot, dongle will automatically go back into normal operation mode (flashing blue LED). If not, press the button on the dongle once again and it should return to normal operation mode.
  10. Verify data upload interval is now set to 1 minute in ShinePhone or via
Freekers commented 1 year ago

To add to my message above; one of my ShineWifi-X dongles died (Murphy's law...) so I ordered a new one. And surprise surprise; the new one can be configured per the instructions listed on the HA forum linked above, i.e. using Hotspot Mode. So the comment from Growatt on their official YouTube channel was true; apparently I had an old version dongle.

For reference, my new ShineWifi-X dongle has FW version The old one had version and had to be configured as described in my previous message.

Hope it helps!

SebastianGode commented 8 months ago

@Freekers Is there a way to set this to something lower than one minute? During the intial setup via the app you can easily set it to one minute, but I'd really appreciate it updating every 15s oder 30s.

Freekers commented 8 months ago

@Freekers Is there a way to set this to something lower than one minute? During the intial setup via the app you can easily set it to one minute, but I'd really appreciate it updating every 15s oder 30s.

AFAIK 1 minute is the lowest interval you can set it to.