muppet3000 / homeassistant-growatt_server_api

Home Assistant Integration for Growatt - Upstream repo for the growatt_server integration that is part of the Core Home Assistant repository
MIT License
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BUG - Not available after couple of days. 2nd time in two weeks #40

Closed TheFrisianDude closed 9 months ago

TheFrisianDude commented 9 months ago

After a couple of days the power outage is stuck on a random value. It keeps displaying that value and does not change anymore. Other values are working from the growatt integration keep working.

It's the 2nd time in a couple of weeks where i just started with it. After first time i deleted the device and reconfigured the integration, working again after it.

Any tips to solve or troubleshoot this? Without keep reconfiguring this after x days?

muppet3000 commented 9 months ago

There's several extensive conversations on this going on in other places:

I've even updated the main readme for this plugin see "IMPORTANT":

I'm going to close this as a duplicate of the others.