muppet3000 / homeassistant-growatt_server_api

Home Assistant Integration for Growatt - Upstream repo for the growatt_server integration that is part of the Core Home Assistant repository
MIT License
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Idiots guide to missing Entitity ID please? Missing Battery SOC #51

Open dagnall53 opened 2 weeks ago

dagnall53 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, API 1.0.4 (I hope thats the most recent and correct version?) I have manage dto get it "working" But I only have six entity ID visible and none related to my Solar Battery. When I go on the Growatt web dashboard ( I can see Solar power, Battery status etc.. "Energy Today" is correctly reflecting the TOTAL inverter Generation for today, so "something is working", but I would like access to the actual sensors for Power NOW, and Solar NOW and most importantly, Battery SOC now.

So how Do I add or access these missing Entity / sensor data please. If its a "YAML" answer, can you point to an idiots guide please, as that aspect of HA is still very unknown territory.

Many thanks. Dagnall

Vivvo460 commented 2 weeks ago

same problem for me