muqa-org / zazelenimo

Municipal Quadratic Funding Initiative
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Redirect to proposal topic after submission #91

Closed tomislavmamic closed 3 weeks ago

tomislavmamic commented 1 month ago

When a user fills out the form, we automatically create the proposal topic in the Forum under "Za provjeru" (For review) category. I've made it so that "Za provjeru" category on Forum is visible to everyone, but only Staff can comment.

Now we can redirect the user to the actual topic immediately after submission. They can see it but not comment. If they click Reply, they will be asked to register. When they register, they won't see the reply button anymore.

Vaš prijedlog je uspješno predan i sada ćete biti preusmjereni na temu prijedloga na našem Forumu. Trenutno ne možete komentirati prijedlog jer se nalazi u fazi provjere od strane našeg stručnog tima. Obavijestit ćemo vas kada javna rasprava bude otvorena. Savjetujemo da se odmah registrirate na forumu.

Ovaj prijedlog trenutno prolazi kroz proces provjere. U ovoj fazi, samo članovi našeg stručnog tima mogu komentirati prijedloge. Kada prijedlog bude provjeren i zadovolji sve kriterije, bit će objavljen javno na Forumu i otvoren za komentare. Registrirajte se i zapratite ovu temu da budete informirani o daljnjim koracima.

kkatusic commented 1 month ago

@tomislavmamic please provide me also english translation

tomislavmamic commented 1 month ago

“Your proposal has been successfully submitted and you will now be redirected to the proposal topic on our Forum. You currently cannot comment on the proposal as it is under review by our expert team. We will notify you when the public discussion is open.”

“This proposal is currently under review. At this stage, only members of our expert team can comment on proposals. Once the proposal has been reviewed and meets all the criteria, it will be published publicly on the Forum and opened for comments. Please register and follow this topic to stay informed about the next steps.”

kkatusic commented 1 month ago

@tomislavmamic 15 seconds to read before redirect is ok to you?

MaxSemenchuk commented 1 month ago

Any design needed? From the improvements – maybe also send some email notifications on the successful application and link to the forum

kkatusic commented 1 month ago

@MaxSemenchuk if you need email notification just confirm and I will add it, @tomislavmamic should provide email message content ;)

tomislavmamic commented 1 month ago


Predmet: Vaš prijedlog je uspješno zaprimljen!

Poštovani/a [Ime predlagatelja],

Zahvaljujemo što ste podnijeli prijedlog za Zazelenimo Split. Vaš prijedlog je uspješno zaprimljen i trenutno se nalazi u fazi provjere od strane našeg stručnog tima.

Možete vidjeti svoj prijedlog i pratiti njegov napredak na sljedećoj poveznici: [Link na prijedlog]

Imajte na umu da u ovoj fazi nećete moći komentirati prijedlog. Nakon što prijedlog bude provjeren i zadovolji sve uvjete, bit će objavljen javno i otvoren za javnu raspravu. Preporučujemo da se registrirate na naš Forum i zapratite temu kako biste dobivali obavijesti o daljnjim koracima.

Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, slobodno nas kontaktirajte.

Srdačan pozdrav, Zazelenimo Split tim


Subject: Your proposal has been successfully received!

Dear [Proposer’s Name],

Thank you for submitting your proposal for Zazelenimo Split. Your proposal has been successfully received and is currently under review by our expert team.

You can view your proposal and track its progress at the following link: [Link to proposal]

Please note that you will not be able to comment on the proposal at this stage. Once the proposal has been reviewed and meets all the conditions, it will be made public and opened for discussion. We recommend that you register on our Forum and follow the topic to receive notifications on the next steps.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Best regards, The Zazelenimo Split Team